Zezzy [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2021


  • Zezzy [she/her]@hexbear.nettotechnology@hexbear.netBad news people
    2 months ago

    Zuckerberg and Musk both feature themselves heavily in their company’s marketing, unlike Google’s founders. It’s hard to see any news about the companies without seeing those two.

    Also Americans hate Gates and Bezos? I hear people shittalk them far more often than Zuckerberg in real life. Especially Gates, since he’s the center of a lot of conspiracy theories too

  • Zezzy [she/her]@hexbear.nettotechnology@hexbear.netYes
    4 months ago

    Rust is very complex, in part due to the obsession with zero cost abstraction that leads to caring about lots of edge cases like NonZero types. But at least when I’ve worked with it, a lot of that you can just ignore and write straight forward code, and it’ll still likely be very performant. Although the Rust sort of philosophy vibes with me better, so not all might find that so forgiving.

    I did quit using Rust due to its compile times though. Even using dependencies that would advertise fast building like Bevy quickly started taking more than a minute to build (not from scratch, just making one line changes). And during that minute I’d get bored and do something else, and my productivity plummeted.

  • BG3 early spoilers, gore, social-media transphobia

    What is with that gnoll chestbursters combat outside of the Blighted Village? I thought they were a normal mortal species (although “savage”), and they haven’t had this origin in any of the editions of D&D I’ve played.

    I remember when Volo’s guide came out there was some controversy about one of the devs (Mearls I think?) saying gnolls were too evil to be playable, so maybe D&D has moved towards making them more monstrous? Or already had some time in 4e? My group plays Pathfinder, but we’ve gone to gnoll cities there, made gnoll allies, had gnoll party members, and did normal adventuring stuff in their lands.

    I’m probably just on edge since I just read some chud talking about putting trans people “out of their misery”, which is the same phrasing used to pre-emptively kill the “Newborn Gnoll” as a druid. But the whole thing left me feeling icky. Shut off the game there. Probably will just switch to trying to finish Disco Elysium again