• 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I dunno. I felt judged whenever I was walking around wearing a mask. One time I put one on when some guy walked up to me when I was walking my dog, and it kinda started an argument. A tow truck driver literally told me masks were government control devices before he jumped our car.

    I felt like I was masking alone sometimes, like I was offending the public for doing it.

    Just because that’s absurd doesn’t mean masses of people didn’t see masking as political. To me, it was kinda hard to ignore.

  • It was a late night comment in bad taste, yeah.

    But as a devil’s advocate, it was just my observation of where I live in the US. I was trying to convery the general mood around me, and it was very toned down from what my neighbors actually said and did at the height of the pandemic. For reference, my neighbor had an anti mask party when covid was raging, and they were very liberal for this neighborhood… it still kind of boggles my mind.

    I meant to present it as something absurd, not an opinion that I thought was reasonable.

  • thanks to the whole reincarnation thing it’d presumably be difficult for the avatar to suddenly become evil since every previous avatar would screech at them and for all we know they could just force the avatar state to send the body to its death and exiting the avatar state just before death.

    There’s an ATLA comic that kind of refutes this, where Aang just straight up shuts out Roku. It’s… not the best comic.

    Anyway, I think the idea is that the Avatar is fundamentally the same soul reincarnating, the same empathetic petty thief that stood up for anyone that was oppressed. That’s just part of their nature, sometimes to a fault. Even Avatars with a screwed up childhood like Kyoshi and Korra turn out that way.

    The mitigation is often the plot, where their power isn’t particularly useful to solve their problems. A poignant example is when Korra just turns herself into Zaheer to save the Air Nomads, fully expecting to die (though the gravity is not very explicit since it’s a kids show, as is true across both TV shows).

    , and ONE person is effectively just a god,

    Another thing I find amusing is that “common” people just treat the Avatar as some random joe, with lines like “Avatar, huh? We still have one of those?” or Bolin’s grandma who clearly holds more reverence for the Earth Queen than the Avatar.

    As far as fantasy series go, I think it does a good job of making all the Beautiful Special People feel mundane.

  • Heh, Korra is literally this, but being royal was a total coincidence. And I guess you could say she “reset” the reincarnation bloodline.

    And I guess she subverts it a little too because she finds out so young, and is not shy about it.

    And Ozai played with this too, deliberately marrying the descendent (Ursa) of a super special Poo Person (Avatar Roku) in hopes of producing superior children. And it kind of worked.

  • Yeah that was a hyperbole.

    Still, there is a weight penalty depending on how much range they try to squeeze in.

    And I’m one of those people that gets super salty about ICE cars getting so heavy too, especially crossovers and city SUVs that everyone seems to run now. A small or mid sized SUV should not be 4,000lb with modern tech, ICE or not.