bumblebeehellbringer [fae/faer, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Imo this type of gendered violence is largely facilitated by the capitalism. As more and more wealth and power are extracted from the working class, the burdens on the working class are greater and greater, and things like homeownership and being able to afford having children are increasingly out of reach. The capitalist class responds to this by basically saying “Just have children anyways and be poor about it. Work harder and give me more profit and more coerced laborers.” Like, a lot of people who don’t have kids would like to, they just want to give their kids a good standard of living. But instead of allowing the common people to have the fruits of their labor, the capitalist class keeps those for themselves. And so the common people are left in this place where for many there’s not money and time for relationships, homeownership, kids, etc. Men who don’t have a good class and feminist analysis end up blaming this on women, and women who have any other options don’t want to put up with these vile abusers. Men with violent incel energy don’t stop having that energy once they’re married, in a relationship, or sleeping with someone; instead, they’ll continue to use their misogyny to blame women for the problems created by the capitalist class.

    The labor of women, while downplayed in value under capitalism, is actually very vital to the system continuing. Women are expected to create and raise children, run the household, do a huge amount of logistical and organizational labor, and appease men and basically comfort them and ameliorate the negative affects of capitalism on the men. Women are expected to provide sexual gratification, emotional support, free time, meals, and a clean and pleasant living space, in addition to caring for the needs of children, organizing household affairs, and having a career. That’s a lot. Women are one of the dumping grounds for labor under capitalism, expected to do the same work in careers as men plus all the other labor that is trivialized under capitalism, but very important for the propagation of capitalism.

    I expect these types of gendered conflicts to continue. I hope people as a whole will figure out that the class element is important too. It would be great if we could have all genders of the proletariat working together in harmony to take back what capital has robbed us of, and establish a culture of consent.

  • I’m glad to be of support, comrade. Humans are social creatures and it can be really hard to go against the urge of the herd. On the bright side, though, wearing a mask can make it easier for others around us to mask once they wake up to what’s going on. Your partner’s life is important, and you protect them every time you put it on. Covid can cause permanent disability and death; I hope that your actions can spare your partner from that fate. It really is horrible, to look at the truth of what’s going on, and how so many people are so easily manipulated by the will of capital. When you put on the mask, when you change your plans to be safe, and refuse to go into unsafe situations- you are not alone. Those of us who know, and care, and are taking actions however small, are all around the world. We care about you, about your partner, even if we don’t personally know you. We are glad when you protect your loved ones and yourself. Your life and your partner’s life are precious, and I’m glad you’re doing what you can to defend them.

  • Just to be clear, women being constantly being belittled and treated as secretaries is discrimination based on sex, and it is extremely likely that they being sexually harassed in ways that you don’t see. There are tons of ways for bosses and coworkers to pull people aside, force people to stay late, or even pressure meetups outside of the workplace framed as business/mentoring lunches, to set up situations where they can say and do things that no one else will see or hear. Belittling people is often a practice that abusers use to wear down victims psychologically, to set the stage for ongoing and escalating abuse. Many abusers are very socially clever these days, and will go to great lengths to groom their victims into not realizing they are being abused, target people who need the job/reference/experience etc. and keep as much of the abuse as possible outside of official records like email, and even manufacture documentation in retaliation of the people they abuse, for example, creating false poor performance reviews, so they can dispose of victims when they are done and have a evidence in their own favor if there is a court case.