cmhickman358 [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • I would do kind of a reverse Bill and Ted, where instead of collecting historical figures and bring them to the present, I would take my assembled crew farther into the past. I’m thinking I would pick up people like Marx, Lenin, Mao, you know, the fun crew, and bring them farther back to a time where we (I say we but honestly I would be about as much use as Bill or Ted with them) could avert the capitalist hellscape that exists today. As for when we would land I’m not quite sure, but I’m thinking if we could mobilize a people’s collective sometime during the 1000-1400 range we could prevent most of the tragedies that combining the Industrial Revolution with capitalism caused, and be in a much better position to either solve or even avoid the ecological and climatological (if that’s a real word) issues that face the modern world.