• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Grids need to be carefully balanced. If the cost is approaching, or lower than 0 then that means the grid is actually in a critical state. A lot of generators cannot be switched off (or at least not quickly). If more power goes into the grid than is used, then it can destabilise the whole grid and cause a blackout.

    The solution to the problem is actually 2 fold. We need more sinks, and a smarter grid.

    More sinks is mostly in the form of storage. They buy power when it’s cheap, and sell it when the cost spikes. It also extends to other heavy uses. Traditionally, aluminium smelting helps a lot with this. It uses huge amounts of electricity, and and switch on and off rapidly.

    We also need a smarter grid. We need homes that know what the grid needs. E.g. electric cars than can actually as local buffers, or air conditioning that times it’s draw to help balance the grid.

  • I’m a parent, and we made the conscious decision to become parents. That said, I can fully understand people who don’t want to have that responsibility. It can be exhausting and thankless, changing almost everything with your life, hobbies and habits.

    On the other side of the coin, the depth of love you feel as a parent is impossible to describe. With that comes a set of incredible feelings, watching your children experience, learn and grow.

    Basically, parenthood is almost completely thankless, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

  • Caucasian is the closest to “white”, and even that is fairly arbitrary.

    In practice, it’s in group Vs out group behaviour. If you’re different, someone will take offence to that. The line of difference varies, but the effect is often the same.

    Interestingly, “the left” could well be described as an in-group of out-groups. Those who are pushed out, in 1 way or another, gathered together for mutual support. Plus those who empathize with that position.

  • I have a relative who has an unfortunate condition that causes internal bleeding. They’ve had enough blood transfusions that their antibodies are completely haywire.

    Multiple times, doctors have not listened to their protests, and given them O-. They turn an impressive shade of yellow (among other, more serious, issues).

    Last I heard, there were 2 compatible donors known, 1 in a different country. Thankfully, you can store blood longer term. It’s just not cost efficient to do in bulk. They have their own little stockpile of blood at their local hospital (mostly self donated).

  • That method is still mostly recommended, though mostly for younger children/babies. The Heimlich maneuver is difficult to perform on a small body. You either over squeeze, and cause harm, or are too tentative, and so not helping.

    With babies, you hold them lying on your forearm, facing downwards, and slap (open handed) hard. I’ve only seen it used once, but it worked perfectly then.

  • The best bet is to let your local aviation authority know. They are generally the ones with the actual powers, as well as the knowledge to apply them.

    At least in the UK, the laws cover anything that leaves the ground under an open sky. There are exceptions for RC toys and drones, but they have limits. One of the limits is you cannot fly within a certain distance of anyone or anything not under your control.

    Basically, most places require your permission to fly over, or near to your land. If they are overflying, they are breaking the rules.

    It’s worth noting, depending on the size of the system, it can be difficult to judge distances. The ones I work with are large. We regularly have officials insisting we are massively out of our flight area. GPS logs show that it was well within the entire time.

  • The left is far less monolithic than the right. It was a sub-subset of the left, a percentage of feminists were/are anti male. Unfortunately, they were not called out for this, and so got very loud about it. This coloured the message from general left leaning sources.

    Growing up, there was a lot of “men are bad/evil” and that we needed to make it up to women. A lot of this pressure came from left leaning sources.

    Thankfully, I managed to avoid getting drawn into the right leaning backlash to this.

  • It did well for a long time. The BBC produces a lot of excellent programmes. It was also unafraid of holding the government’s feet to the fire.

    Unfortunately, the Tories successfully gutted it about a decade back. It still produces excellent programmes, but is neutered politically.

    As for the licence fee. It is effectively an extra tax. However, if you don’t watch TV, you don’t have to have a licence. It’s not perfect, but better than just a flat tax. It also helped keep them semi independent of the government.

  • cynar@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    4 days ago

    Training, lots of training. It also applies to you as well!

    I think our dog got past 2 years old before we had eaten more pork chops than he had stolen.

    He’ll still swipe my daughter’s dinner, if it’s left unattended. At least he will no longer steal it while she’s sat in front of it.

  • There’s a story, though I’m not 100% sure on how true it was. Queen victoria did a royal visit to the new lab overseen by Michael Faraday. She asked him what use this new “electricity” was? His response was along the lines of "mam, we’re not completely sure, that’s why we are researching it.

    As for actual uses. It could give us the theoretical key to room temperature super conductors. It could give us a foundation for exotic space drives. It could help crack new forms of fusion reaction.

    Ultimately, it’s a foundational block. What gets built on there is hard to predict. By comparison, GPS is not an obvious extension of relativity. However, without an understanding of relativity, GPS would basically be useless. It would drift km/day

  • The limiting factor is the bend. The subatomic particles want to go in a straight line. A magnetic field is used to bend the beam around into a circle. The faster the particles are moving however, the more energy is needed to bend them. A larger circle has less bend. This lets you get your particles faster.

    Since E^2 = M^2 C^4 + P^2 C^2 (the full form is E=MC^2 ). If you can force the particle to stop rapidly, then you can force the energy from momentum into mass. This is done by hitting 2 beams into each other. The faster the beams, the more energy is available to convert to mass.

    Most of the time, this creates a lot of mundane particles. However, ever so often it creates something interesting. They rapidly decay into mundane particles, but the shower they create tells us a lot about them. The catch is that all the energy needs to be present at once. You can’t use more particles, you need to make them move faster.

    As for why. The more particles we have to study, the more we can figure out about the underlying rules. We have a number of theories. They all agree at lower energy levels, but disagree at higher energy levels. By knowing which is correct, we can pry deeper into the workings of reality.

  • In almost all cases the point is to keep things reversible. The problem is puberty. Once the hormone cascades hit, it’s far harder to transition. At the same time, fully transitioning is not something many children are equipped to cope with.

    Luckily there is a 3rd option. Puberty can be delayed without permanent issues. This gives the patient and doctors time to figure out what to do long term. If they were confused, they stop the drugs, and puberty happens normally. If they truly want to transition, they are in a far better position to change than if they experienced puberty as the “wrong” gender.

    By delaying the changes, it allows time for them to process what they want. It also lets them experience living as the other gender, in a reversible manner.