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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020

  • The ROK has been at least trying to play things smart with regards to keeping much cooler heads than the US over the past 8yrs. Even if things have regressed on their end, I think that they aren’t likely to push for making their own nukes. The DPRK knows that having them and using them are two very different things. Having them means the US and ROK can’t just attack out of nowhere without a real fucking response. But using them means that it would likely lead to all nuclear nations unloading. As far as Japan is concerned, they are one of the most anti-nuke nations period given that they are the only nation to have seen the results and horror.

    The US so far seems to have the most trigger happy assholes that default to “just nuke 'em and no more issues” for just about every geopolitical issue ever since we used them. So far we have lucked out that the presidents that were overseeing the initial push to build so many of them woke up to the death cult of war hawks. The others either saw that if the US were to use them first, then it would mean we would lose the war of optics. Or they happened to be in charge while less tension on that level was going on.

    And of course Reagan literally seems to have only learned how truly horrible and fucked shit would be after watching a made for TV movie about the horrors of a post-nuclear war world would be like. Better than nothing but it really pisses me off how so many US leaders both A: acted like the USSR couldn’t possibly be upping their shit based on real fear of the US just doing what we keep doing in just attacking/invading other nations. And B: honestly just seem to think that it is okay for US to put them everywhere but any other nation doing so is “acts of aggression.”

  • CEOs need to be taken out and any and all parachute deals they signed should be voided if they harm (mentally and/or physically) workers. And that should mean that when shit like Boeing happens where many more lives are also impacted (many even sadly paying). Then that CEO should be executed and so should the other C letter titles AND the entire board of major shareholders (and best believe the lawmakers that took money from them also should catch that fate).

  • The legal charges that would also be brought by the cops/legal system would be the real punishment likely (depending on the state and whatnot). The school doesn’t really need to do anything, and I am guessing it is more a fallback or show of denouncing someone. Though I agree that it is odd that they don’t outright expel given the nature of the other examples given. Maybe it has to do with being a public school or something? Or maybe suspension until after the legal results? Idk.

    I think they are slightly playing up the “assault rifles” bit though, as I imagine that the same suspension would be applied to any long rifle or shotgun (maybe even pistols tbh). I agree with the overall point of drawing attention to how incorrect the punishments are being applied to the pro-Palestine protestors. As shit is very very different from someone or a group of people showing up armed to a school campus. As I imagine the people more likely to jump to doing that would most certainly be the pro-Israel no matter what crowd. Though it might be getting to the point of pro-Palestine/anti-genocide folks having protection. At minimum access off campus. As the right most certainly does, and would likely be following people home.

  • Kind of not sure if this is actually just a really really weird pro-IOF propaganda thing. As it says that only 25% of US interceptors worked, while also that around 90% of IOF ones did. Given the site, seems like IOF government propaganda machine is doing the normal uber-nationalist thing. Downplaying the effectiveness of even diehard supporting nations as “cute but dumb” and the nationalist hawks as “the real fighters of true justice” or whatever.

    Though I also would believe that even with it being Israel the weapons are being supplied to, would still not be the “full version” as to not allow enemies to know the real effectiveness of (in this case) the US tech. Pretty sure that most high-tech weapons that are sold outside the originating nations are very different than the ones said nation actually fields. Or at least gimped in such ways that allow the “full versions” to take out the gimped ones. Then again, I also imagine that Israel has many more spies inside the US military and all companies that make up the US’s military industrial complex. Which means they also have the shit needed to make their own copies that have the extra benefit of constant data and testing to make a better version with real-world shit

    I am not “pro-USA #1 ra ra ra!!!” and very much sure that the "effectiveness of our weapons are generally very inflated. Just like all massive private/for-profit weapons manufacturing nations do. Just finding the propaganda machines of two deeply involved allies painting the other as “lesser” to be both odd to actually see, and kind of hilarious at the same time.

  • They have been stopping a lot more of them over at least the last six months or year. I think we are just shown a lot of the ones that do make it through by media that wants to make sure that Ukraine looks like they are doing better than they are. Much like the “Iron Dome”, if enough are sent over, plenty will eventually hit the target. With all the drones having cameras, they will have great footage of the ones that make it to their targets, and can play those on repeat for media and social media. A numbers game, they are able to send a fuckton of cheap converted consumer models.

    You don’t inspire hope and support by showing the L’s. Just like how Israel is making sure to downplay their own loses. And of course making sure to buy off support from for-profit media and politicians that matter. That way the narrative is kept as being “innocent and pure of heart Israel is just protecting themselves” and that Iran is being the “aggressor by their unprovoked missile and drone strikes”. While completely acting like Israel didn’t blow up the Iranian embassy first. Or how Israel is actively bombing other nations on a daily basis.

  • The mainland should both find ways to make sure they get access to the shit being sent/sold to Taiwan to strip-down and obvious shit for better understanding the builds and tech. And make a big show about how the US breaks its own rules on selling arms to supposed adversaries. But also sending “thanks to the USA for the toys” bit of snark, as they are supplying China with weapons. Would be funny to see such an announcement and have all kinds of war vehicles and other high value weapons paraded around with the PLA markings added to them.

    Would be hilarious to see both capitalist parties and the military industrial complex have to deal with the massive L in the media. Or at least the idea of such a massive multi-decade sale of arms, and thus arming of, such a big enemy of the US scandal sounds amazing to me. Hell make it even more a “fuck you” by the PLA transferring US made shit to the DPRK and really all other socialist nations that want them. lol

  • So many of these kinds of people tend to get off so easy when compared to folks that commit actions impacting a small number of people. So many in the US are ready to call for the death penalty for everything other than these evil greedy fucks who’s actions can have impacts for multiple generations. It is telling that the rich and powerful make sure no such penalty is placed as a legal option. If it is possible for someone that kills another person to be sentenced to death. Then it sure as fuck should be the only option for people like her and those that constantly play games with people’s lives and the entire economy of a nation just to hoard more money.

  • The bills (specifically the Restrict Act) give a lot more legal justifications for increasing US spying on citizens and some big punishments if found using methods (such as VPNs) to access apps from foreign adversaries. 20yrs prison and/or $1,000,000 fines. It of course means that the US control over social media (and the communications in them) is kept. Another Patriot Act being pushed while using the smoke screen of “protecting America.”

    Even if the above wasn’t part of it. The US government likes to talk about competing in the “free market” with China and other nations instead of with violence/war. But they also pull this shit banning any level of “free market competition.” And will point to China as being the one that is “evil” for restricting shit. The US and Israel are the cause of nations like Cuba not being allowed to be traded with or compete. The US and Israel like to point to the DPRK as being “authoritarian,” but are spying on and purposely causing suffering entirely more than DPRK or China.

    The fact that they can’t even correctly pretend to understand even basic facts like Tiktok not being in China. Shows how little they care to hide the real reasons for making the legal setup for much much more oppression inside the US. They feel that they have sufficiently created stupid masses that just believe them without question. Which is sadly true for so many people in either party. Though maybe the politicians of the US will have finally FAFO if gen-Z literally arms up and goes hunting.

  • Not wrong entirely, but these bills are more than just “banning ticktok,” and are creating more legal spying while being overtly simplified to just seem like not a big deal. The US is making a new Patriot Act that covers more modern communication systems. They are just doing the same old “red scare” shit to paint China as the “authoritarians” for spying on us. But it always paints our global and local spying as being “the price of freedom” or whatever.

  • The current set of bills are looking to actually be a modern revival of the old Patriot Act. Just with much much more spying on US citizens and users of VPNs. I am betting that we will see a lot of torrent sites and other file sharing/streaming sites banned and will massively benefit orgs like the MPAA/RIAA and other copyright outfits. Get sites banned and say they “aid our enemies” and shit will be much worse. So legal censorship and oppressing the masses at the whim of the capitalists.

  • The capitalists are providing the very ropes from which we shall hang them with. It is crucial that leftists really really start agitating dramatically everywhere, but especially in states like KY. If not, then it allows the fascists to use their false narratives and reactionary actions to spread. Too many workers suffered, fought, and died to bring the basic protections we have. It is beyond time to take the power back after so many decades of the masses believing the lies used to remove everything. The libs can’t be allowed to claim that they are the “heroes” of the workers and the poor. They will try to steal the movement and just stop real change.

    A vanguard of socialists must form and counter the propaganda that has rewarded ignorance in painting anti-capitalism as somehow being the worst option. Getting unions on board would also help as they too are painted in a similar light as socialism. They aren’t the solution, but they do have structures that can be applied to quickly shutting things down and copied by other workers that are still asleep with what needs to be done (aka the “I don’t really follow politics” crowds).

  • At least based on the picture, the flag appears to be flown flipped from the end that isn’t normally on the flag-pole side. So like seems like a point of using it as an insult, since everyone still likes to act like Russia is still the USSR. So I am guessing it is just reactionaries being reactionaries and not using the Russian Federation flag since it is less “scary” or something compared to the USSR (from the perspective of anti-Soviet right-wingers).

  • One of the main things that hurts the other AES nations is that they are much smaller and easier to deeply impact with all the sanctions placed on them by the US. Also China was able to get so many of the greedy US corps that only care about cheap labour for so long to move industrial manufacturing bases there. Which aside from the massive issues with corruption that came along with it, was not wasted in getting a fuck-ton of modern equipment and knowledge to catch-up with western nations fast as fuck. But the corruption is being dealt with dramatically. With China now having so much sway on getting other nations that have really only stuck with the US for fear of money/trade (and being attacked by our military of course). It is much more likely that we see the other AES nations be able to trade with those nations.

    If nations like Cuba have been able to make make such amazing advancements (especially medical ones) while under US restrictions. Just imagine what they can do once said restrictions are made moot. I just hope that China and the other nations (AES or not) are able to be united in putting the US in check as the war-hawks and rich that so fear losing what they have stolen become more and more erratic.

  • They might have really made a certain level of bank if they were somehow able to have even gotten the current version out a little bit before COVID forced people home. Could have been a good grift for schools (mainly private ones with money) and companies not having to send so much office stuff to peoples homes. Now the comfort thing is and will always be an issue to various levels. But the hype puff pieces would have moved units. Just like so many other weird things got sold and used by people to feel more “normal.”

  • Gotta love when the public sector military officials and those serving in offices go nuts condemning and de-funding publicly/state owned things in favor of heavy privatization/for-profit corps. But are somehow shocked and emotionally hurt when said for-profit corps don’t find public/state stuff profitable after so long.

    The US Postal Service is one example of the massive differences between publicly/state owned service and for-profit private corps. The pro-business/privatization elected officials drone on and on about it needing to be made “profitable” or shutdown. But the whole point of a public service is that it isn’t supposed to be about being profitable, it is about always having a service that is both accessible and affordable to all citizens. Any profits are supposed to be put into either employee wages and/or re-investing into making it better/maintaining infrastructure. Which is also seen in how so much of our public infrastructure nationwide are being held together with tape and bubblegum.

    The war-hawks are not really by their own hands not really allowed to complain about this shit, when they are the ones that have been wrecking shit. A pro-capitalist government can’t be seen fucking with for-profit/private companies. As it would mean that the anti-capitalist nations and masses have been correct this whole time. For-profit private companies are like mercenaries. They only work for you while the profits are high and the flow of money never drys-up. They aren’t friends, family, or really members of the communities. Which also makes it fucked up that they are legally equal to (technically higher than) people.

  • The Amish and groups like them aren’t themselves the main issue. As they by default tend to stay amongst themselves in their communities. Which limits a lot of exposure both with stuff going in and coming out of their living spaces/communities. The main cause of this shit are the folks that are either too “woo woo” and think that basically all diseases are actually “curable” with shit like crystals and the energies of “mother Gaia.” Along with their more conservative counterparts in the “God, Jesus, and prayer” side of things. In addition to the overlapping groups that think that all vaccinations are “government mind and body control” shit.

    So if more and more people are joining the anti-science side of things and refuse to see how we literally haven’t had to deal with these terrible diseases because of vaccinations. Then it means said diseases are going to start actually spreading more and more again. Kind of like how people that didn’t live through hard times that lead to aid programs and protections tend to see those things as “not needed at all.”

    Of course it doesn’t help matters that the sins of the past have made very real reasons for different minority groups to absolutely distrust vaccines due to shit like the Tuskegee and Nazi “experiments.” Once trust is lost and very real shit like those things are proven, then I am not sure at what point it is even possible to start over. Unfortunately these groups get lumped in with the medical versions of flat earthers that are completely anti-science and proud of it.

    And that is all just the human sides of things. The actual diseases themselves evolve the more they are able to spread. Which literally means that shit we had dealt with dramatically now has more and more places and people to spread into. Which at a point also means that people that did take the shots and were good to go are now being punished by these new versions that are taking hold in the anti-science fucks (that also tend to be the same fucks that won’t wear fucking masks and try to avoid close contact while fucking sick). If the anti-science assholes that are refusing to take shots over both real and really dumb reasons (muh freedumbs). Then they shouldn’t removed about taking basic fucking actions like wearing masks and not claiming that they are somehow the same as the stars and triangles the Nazis forced people to wear. They are selfish and anti-respecting the lives of everyone around them. They just want everyone to yield to their main character-ass whining about “liberty” while oppressing everyone.