It’s not exactly what you’re asking for, since it doesn’t have a main character and it’s not theory, but Mieville’s October reads like a novel and it tells the story of the Russian revolution. Worth a read since it’s educational and a fun read. Aside from some lame anti-Stalinism at the end it’s solid imo.
You can get some pretty great headlamps that help with light, around $75 for something with decent quality, battery and bright enough. I typically get most of my running in while the kids are asleep which means very early or late runs. I’m lucky enough to live in a place with well lit running paths all night though so I haven’t had much experience with unlit roads. I do trail running with a headlamp sometimes though which works well enough.
For the sun, I’d highly recommend covering up vs sunscreen. A long sleeve lightweight shirt + a bucket hat would go a long way, or those weird running sleeves that people wear.
I don’t have an issue with bleeding nipples myself, but I’ve heard people swear by products like nut butter or body glide. I just use normal Vaseline when I’m having chafing and it does the trick.