• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s nice to see Lemmy will be continuing Reddit’s tradition of believing booby traps are ok because anyone trying to touching your precious things deserves the be physically hurt, regardless of the countless ways it can hurt other people who were doing nothing wrong.

    This example isn’t even defendable from a home defense angle because you left the thing out on the damn boat, not locked away. At that point it’s not just a booby trap, it’s a baited trap.

    And for fucks sake it’s a damn cooler, who cares this much about it but leave it where anyone can get it?

  • You can see their strategy at work here.

    It is possible to keep individual files on the local hard drive with different settings (that in my experience never seem to stick past updates).

    The default, though, is to take everything on your computer off of your computer, put it into the cloud (their computer), and recommend you pick and choose which ones stay on your computer. In essence, they want you to think of your computer as secondary to their computer. An extension of it.

    There is no “your computer”, it’s just the computer you happen to be logged into at the moment.

    The cloud is not something you take advantage of, the cloud is where you live now.

  • At least that can be turned off in updates.

    All these hardware additions, the AI buttons, even Windows taking away the right CTRL key for Copilot, are ugly appendages that, in 20 years, when were clearing out the equipment closest, we’ll see some of these and go “oh yeah remember when that bullshit was as a thing for a few years?”

  • Sure, but she’s also his mother, not a random family member. I’m not going to fault a mother for standing by their child, no matter what he did.

    She didn’t let him buy anything, but she couldn’t make him get rid of it because it wasn’t in her house. It was locked up at a friend’s house in a different town.

    She was also ill, poor, dyslexic, and a single parent dealing with a difficult child. She doesn’t seem to have much in her life but her children, I’m not going to condemn her for not banishing him from her life. It’s not an easy thing for a mother to do.

  • It’s a good read, but as with absolutely any discussion around high school on platforms like this, it heavily shaded with the cynicism of the adult that looks back on their high school days bitterly and thinks little of the teenagers who don’t hate it as much as they did/do.

    The whole comment is based on the assumption there’s some kind of FOMO-esc pressure to make prom incredible, where kids feel like they “must” go big or they’ll miss out.

    But it sidesteps the simpler explanation: maybe some teenagers just genuinely enjoy making prom a blowout. Going big has been part of the tradition for a long time, and maybe it’s not pressure those teens are feeling, but simply excitement.

    The basic notion of prom is that it is the night to go big. It is the last high school dance. It seems incredibly reductive to assume teenagers would not look forward to making it a special occasion if it weren’t for outside pressure.

  • I mean, important? Not especially, no. But will never see again? I’d argue that’s true. The whole idea with prom is that it’s meant to be like the last big school event before graduation. Yeah, at some point in their adult lives they’ll get over dressed to dance badly, but this is the last time to do it and teenagers, with other teenagers.

    Will they grow up wrong if they miss it, or if it isn’t the biggest, most likely expensive prom ever? No, of course not.

    But what does it actually hurt?

    Feels like the tradition isn’t just prom but also to make prom a big deal. And frankly, why not? Let the kids dress up and have fun. They will grow up, but it doesn’t have to be tonight.

    Also curious where you have a prom coming up in late June?