• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Top Left: Bilbo snaps while trying to get the ring from Frodo in a moment of weakness at Rivendell in Lord of the Rings.

    Top Right: The ghostly bodies under water in the Dead Marshes where Gollum is leading Frodo and Bilbo in The Two Towers.

    Bottom Left: Galadriel refusing the ring from Frodo while freaking out and explaining how she’d become evil if she took it in LotR.

    Bottom Right: Part way through Smeagol’s transformation into Gollum in The Return of the King.

  • I have to admit I’ve put it down a few times for so long that I’ve had to backtrack a number of times to remember what I was reading, but I do really like the style and am adamant to finish it this summer.

    I haven’t read The Handmaid’s Tale, but am enjoying the show! I’ll have to check it out at some point too.

  • I now have a whole folder full of “on-hold until further notice” fediverse apps. I really want to find a use for Mastodon, Pixelfed and Element. I guess I never really used X (lol), and Instagram and Discord I use for very specific things, which currently don’t seem to translate for me to the fediverse. Also recently downloaded Quasseldroid because I wanna get back to using irc for some high-seas adventures (though I only briefly used that back in the ICQ days to chat with friends).

  • dottedgreenline@lemmy.mltoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldGDPR settings are simply insane
    11 months ago

    Back to jerboa for me. Even though people seem to overlook it, it seems to work pretty well, and every single app I try just leads me back to it. I am also getting faster loading thumbnails and images on it than sync. Sync does feel smooth with its high refresh rate, but in my limited time with it, that seems to be the only plus it has over jerboa (edit: for the way I like using it; list or compact mode).

  • That could very well be true, I could very well be in “good old days” haze mode because I remember being quite enamoured with the concept of it and content on it, as it felt like there was literally a thriving community around everything you could think of and it still felt “safe” compared to places like 4chan and web-sites like ogrish, etc.; places which intrigued but felt “dirty” in comparison. I think I also grew to hate it as I suddenly felt the reality of other people’s hate hit. I also learned basic photoshop among other things due to the communities there. I guess they still exist and I’ve become more bitter and triggered by the slightest indication of the socio-political blind spots that I perceive in people.

    I guess there is a similar positive vibe I feel here too, as it feels like the whole decentralisation thing is worth a lot.