The rule is min: age/2+7, max: age*2-7, 36 -> min: 25, max: 65. 18 -> min 16, max 29.
The rule is min: age/2+7, max: age*2-7, 36 -> min: 25, max: 65. 18 -> min 16, max 29.
I never understand people who obsess with words instead of language itself, not trying to disrespect you, but it’s like you are trying to prove a point or go in too deep, when the answer is very simple. It’s all about the context. You can safely say it’s criminal to show a month-old post in “Hot”.
Username checks out .
The Ying Yang summarizes the Big Bang, basically the universe wondered what it could be so first it was black and white and then the alterations of those states started showing up. You are the universe itself creating self awareness and providing more ways to answer the original question: “what could I be”?
My two cents: make friends with other immigrants? Polish, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Latinamerican… must be full of them, no need to make British friends if they don’t make it easy for you.
If you like imagining a bearded man drooling over your girlcock, please continue to do so, coz I’m my mind I’m drooling all over your girlcock right now - so technically now it’s in your mind too.
Heteros should not downvote… just use the [m] tag for not clicking …
Either reverse cowgirl or this POV grabbing your gorg ass