Professional .NET dev (VS Code), amateur furry artist (Paint.NET) and IDM/braindance producer (OpenMPT)
You and the community here are so nice! 😭💙 For sure I want to do a raffle or request here sometime in the future and I’d welcome you to take part if you’d wish! For sure it was, I would do well to be able to work consistently with a more impressionistic or sketchy style, but there’s an unfortunate combination of perfectionism and not being able to see the wood for the trees in me which makes that difficult. Speaking of trees, you should see me trying to draw one, it doesn’t end well LOL
I worked on a sorta unique tool for a long time (sure doesn’t look like it though because I rewrote it from scratch twice in the process!) Would like to post here, there is a free version with no time or content restrictions and a paid version that just has more features, but I’m afraid it could come across as advertising if I post. What would be your stance on it?
Thank you so much! I was so unsure about that I weighed up just making him plantigrade because in the ref I was provided the character was, but the commissioner didn’t make any mention either way. So it’s reassuring that you noticed it in a positive way, thanks!