I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I don’t have to explain anything to you.

    No one has ever demanded you explain anything to them here. They may have asked, but your frankly ridiculous comment count is totally the result of you either offering explanations that don’t ring true, or copy/pasting ad nauseum replies to things that have not been posed to you.

    And so yes, by definition, you are playing games. (i.e. denying you have been trolling and were moderated for it in just the last few days) You can try and explain that away, but it doesn’t change the facts about your behavior.

  • Oh, well, if we’re playing the game where other people get to decide what your intent was, then it’s only fair for me to say you’re a dishonest troll who never engages in good faith and has harmful motivations.

    And before you report me for calling you a troll, you’re the one who decided to take my statement of intent, ignore it, and state I was saying the exact opposite. If we don’t get to be the authority on your motivations and intent, you don’t get to do that to others.

  • Oh good, you do know how to read the modlog! Great job, bud! Just wanted to make sure.

    So you do admit that you troll sometimes? And since moderation is imperfect, the implication is that you’ve trolled more often than you’ve been moderated for. I wonder what the ratio is? Maybe you could provide some insight into how much more often? That would probably help the mods calibrate any needed changes for the good of the community. Wow, you and me helping the greater good! Huzzahs all around!

  • Recommend starting off on some of his short story collections and if you like those, there’s a good chance you’ll like at least some of his novels. I’ve been reading most of his stuff for 40 years and have pretty much enjoyed all of his work. His endings can be iffy and he tends to sometimes feel a little tropey, but the writing itself is often enjoyable to read and solid. His book on writing called appropriately “On Writing” is excellent and great for understanding the writing process either as someone who wants to write or as a reader who wants to better be able to think about what they like to read and why.

  • Oh, there’s definitely blame to go around, but not holding Trump to at least some standard would be compounding the mistakes of the past.

    No one can argue someone else out of being a Trump supporter, but I still believe there’s a chance to justifiably mock him enough to maybe change some minds. If more coverage focused on how laughably batshit insane he was instead of “ooh, look, he’s not following convention and he’s breaking the rules” it would help a lot. His lot can’t abide weaknesses and he’s definitely weak.