• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It was that they wanted to get republicans elected.

    The “old guard” was going to move the national headquarters from DC to Colorado so they could make a compound with shooting ranges to give classes and shit

    The “new guard” that staged the revolution canceled that, and sunk that money into lobbying and that’s been their primary expenditure pretty much ever since.

    It’s always stunk to me as a Republican backed strategy to set up an intermediary for donation washing back when we still had campaign finance laws.

    Like, shit was the same time as Watergate, shady shit was happening all over and it’s not like everything came to light.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldAh Bernie, what could have been...
    13 hours ago

    We have to face that loads of high ranking “moderate” Dems would prefer a Republican to a progressive.

    If a Republican gets in office, it makes it easier to get people vote lesser of two evils.

    If a progressive gets in office, it’s really hard to unseat them. They can barely manage to get House Reps out for moderates even with AIPAC money.

    If Bernie had won 2016, he’d have gotten to name the DNC chair, he could of solidly ended in the failed neo liberal experiment.

    We were really fucking close to fixing things, but after NH got their delegates stolen, I don’t think itll happen.

    I honestly think if a real progressive wins a presidential party primary, the standing party might disregard it.

  • Yeah, the basement is going to be colder…

    You can circulate the air if you want to balance it out, but the basement is going to get colder again.

    If you’re talking about saving energy:

    At about 3pm circulate the air. That’s a little before your AC is going to start experiencing it’s highest workload.

    At around 6pm or when ever, stop.

    Try it for a couple of days with just a fan. If it’s a noticeable difference and you like it, you can get a vent installed that pushes up from the basement, and another somewhere else that just goes straight to the basement. You can put the fan/blower on a timer. I’d recommend one of those “smart plug” things, they work as a timer and you can also controll locally from your phone.

    But if you’re circulating air 24/7, it’s just making your AC cool even more air.

    So you just want to use it to dump a bunch of cold air when you need it most, and then let it naturally cool down the rest of the nigh/day.

    Whether or not this adds up to more than negligible benefits for energy use…

    I have zero idea.

    But it’s essentially just an inefficient heat pump. The theory behind it is sound.

  • I’m not trying to pick a fight, and I know I’m probably coming off like a dick.

    But it’s not just for your benefit, you’re downplaying a serious danger and victim blaming. This can happen to anyone at an unmarked beach, which is why government agencies monitoring this shit is important.

    You can go do what you want. But don’t make people feel like it’s not a big deal.

    Especially when the Gulf has weaker rips than every other coastline in North America, because it’s a gulf.

    It’s like me saying no one has to worry about drowning because I only swim in kiddie pools. When the whole ocean is behind a rip it’s entirely different. There are still rips, and people do die from them in the Gulf. But they’re just not as strong as elsewhere. And part of the reason people die there, is they don’t take them serious.

  • There is zero reliable ways to tell if there’s a rip from the beach…

    The danger is under the waves, if there isn’t proper signage you won’t know until it’s probably too late. And everyone is different. The teens were able to swim to safety, the parents weren’t.

    If you recognize you’re in a rip current, what you can try to do is swim parrell to the shore and then try to come in. It’s dangerous because the rip can’t be overcome by swimming directly in, you have to go around it.

    But even if you know that, you might not remember, and it might not help.

    The people that often die from this, are overconfident people like you who think it can’t happen to them because they’re smart.