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Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • A tragic legend known as the “Legend of Auebawi and Haesindang”[3] shrouds the statues of the park. According to the legend, a woman was once left by her man on a rock in the sea while he worked. The man was later unable to retrieve her because of a storm, and the woman drowned. After that, the village people were not able to catch fish. Some said that it was because of the dead woman. One day, a fisherman urinated into the water and afterward, he was able to catch fish, so it was thought that exposing the deceased virgin to male genitalia pleased her. To soothe her spirit further, the local village people made several phallic wooden carvings and held religious ceremonies on her behalf. After a while, the fish slowly returned and the villagers were able to live comfortably again. The place where the woman died was named Auebawi Rock and the building where the religious ceremony is held twice a year was named Haesindang. The ceremony is still honored today as a traditional folk event.


  • They didn’t murder centos, they changed its development so that its upstream of RHEL, one point release ahead. For 95% of deployments it makes no difference, for the last few percent RHEL proper is available for free for non-commercial purposes and if it’s commercial then buy a license or use another clone.

    Most people have bought into FUD, and spout off the same BS points, and were never centos users to begin with.

  • Alright, buckle up, test subjects! This is Cave Johnson, the man who’s not afraid to tackle the tough topics, like Pride Month and… Mantis Men. That’s right, you heard me correctly.

    Here at Aperture Science, we’re all about inclusivity, whether you’re human, robot, or even a Mantis Man. So, in addition to celebrating Pride Month for our LGBTQ+ community, we’re also extending a warm, robotic arm to our Mantis Men friends out there.

    To all our Mantis Men employees and test subjects, I want you to know that Aperture Science sees you, we appreciate you, and we’re here for you. Whether you’re scuttling through test chambers or just trying to find a quiet spot to molt, we support you in all your mantis-y glory.

    So, let’s raise a toast to diversity, to acceptance, and to the Mantis Men among us. Because here at Aperture Science, we believe that love knows no bounds, not even when it comes to interdimensional insectoid beings. Now, get your lazy butts back to science! because who knows what kind of groundbreaking discoveries we’ll make next, whether it involves portals, shower curtains or potato batteries! I’m not paying you for Mantis Men dance parties!

    This is Cave Johnson, we’re done here