• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • To me, the difference there is that the jokes about snake oil and homeopathy, healing crystals, or essential oils are roughly the same - e.g. “what do you call X that works and has been peer reviewed? Medicine.”

    So far, there has been no equivalent positive usage in the crypto sphere. Medicine, though often administered to different levels, is a good idea in itself.

    Actually, for most uses of crypto it’s attempting to muddle in and “add” value to a previous known-good thing. Is the comparison here that crypto is snake oil currency, snake oil databases, or snake oil contracts? In every case, to me, crypto is the snake oil salesman trying to sell you the brighter tomorrow - without adding anything positive, and often getting the heck out of dodge (or folding a company and moving on to, e.g. LLMs) before delivering on promises.

  • No, I didn’t. If you read my post, I said I bought the books on Kindle.

    I backed one of the previous leatherbounds, and, understanding from that that there was no Amazon gift code for the e-books, didn’t get that through this campaign - instead opting to buy it when it went up on Amazon.

    I don’t think he actually delayed the release of the e-books, just Audible - though I may be wrong. Looking at Amazon, I see that Tress~ was available from 10th January 2023 - which is, admittedly, 9 days later than the release to backers - but that’s really not significant or “withheld” or “boycotting” at all IMO. Wikipedia backs this up.

    Published January 1, 2023 (Dragonsteel; available to Kickstarters) 10 January 2023 (Dragonsteel; available to all) April 4, 2023 (Tor)

    So, are you just annoyed about Audible not being available at the time? I see that’s apparently out as of April '24, so yeah, more of a delay, and you would have to re-buy access via Audible - but I’d assume you’d already listened to/read the book by now, if you were that into it / backed it.

    Out of interest, what specific accessibility benefits are you looking for here? Genuinely a touch curious, having been trying to fill out a VPAT survey this week.