muddi [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Yes! I grew up with Indian style porridges like khichidi and upma with Indian pickles, but went through a phase preferring sweeter Western style breakfasts. But lately I’m turning back to savory. I think the heartiness makes me feel more full and for longer

    One Western combo I came up with and really like:

    • Oatmeal
    • Chopped Field Roast vegan apple maple sage sausage
    • Fried onion
    • Fried garlic
    • Generic Western herb mixes (Italian blend, herbs de provence, table blend, etc.)
    • Some vegan savory flavorings and salts (soy sauce, MSG, yeast extracts, mushroom extracts, vegetable stock or bouillon)

  • They already have anti-China shit in the original show. The part with the Dai Li conspiracy and brainwashing.

    Actually even before that, the Air nation being 100% based on Western exoticism of Tibet, which apparently means racially predisposed to being peaceful spiritual nomads (who live in one of several settled places nonetheless for some reason) and get genocided because their reincarnation prophecy challenges political goals of empire.

    IIRC in some interview the show creators even pull out the line “hate the political party, not the people” when the topic came up

  • muddi [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netjust don't, ok?
    5 months ago

    Phrases like “American Dream” and “Manifest Destiny” are just euphemisms for genocide and exploitation.

    No other country has concepts like this. They have stuff like mottos and national ideals, but the people have existed long enough in the land to be their own motivation to exist as a nation. The US was created in order to commit genocide and exploit the land. They justify nationhood and citizenship after the fact.

    I think it’s just the Anglo colonies that qualify for this, since European colonies “allowed” indigenous people to persist in some manner. Even then, there’s no eg. Canadian or Australian dream that I’ve heard of. So it’s just American being exceptional, exceptionally genocidal and exploitative.

  • Nitpicking can be automated by a linter, then reviews can actually sit back and review more important things like high-level design and scalability

    as if peer reviews could actually spot bugs that tests can’t catch

    There can’t be bugs if there are no tests to catch them! Ofc you can also automate test coverage standards. But PRs are sometimes the only way to catch bugs, even and especially with senior devs in my experience bc they are lazy and will skip writing tests, or write useless or bare minimum tests just to check off code standards and merge on ahead

  • muddi [he/him]@hexbear.nettoRisa@startrek.websitehistorical materialism moment
    8 months ago

    Earth and the Federation was communism. Admittedly an idealist version of it, came about because it was voted in by enlightened voters. But even then the Bell Riots showed that it was capitalism that caused conditions to arise in which the oppressed rose up against the failures of capitalism, and finally end it.

    Not sure if you specifically meant something about Mao, but at least be aware of this. It’s the most basic theory of communism that capitalism fails, turns into barbarism, and the working class have no option but to revolt to resolve the crisis.

  • I think of it in terms of levels building on top of each other, or circles enveloping each other; also how I evaluate interviewees and new hires:

    1. Finishes the task, but needs handholding
    2. Finishes the task, figuring it out from docs, guides, and internet
    3. Finishes the task, proactively trying to make sure it doesn’t return again as a bug or failing QA
    4. Finishes the task, designing things in a way so that devs don’t need to put in extra effort in the future

    In short, learning how to do something right, but also alternative strategies, how to pick the best option, and finally make sure you always end up with the right choice, or automatically do so, by design.

    It’s at core a matter of experience, but taking on new opportunities and reading up helps to accelerate that.

  • I’ll check it out! Thanks for the rec

    And about the Indian stories, I think you’ll find a rhythmic pattern. Maybe the translations can ruin it, I can’t confirm or deny this.

    I think you’re right, I’m probably missing out on certain contexts and linguistic play reading the English translations. It adds to the melancholy in a way though, knowing there’s more beneath the surface of the words I can only barely grasp