…this is a perspective projection: scotand’s prominent in the foreground, ingland is below / beyond in the background…
(southeast is up)
…this is a perspective projection: scotand’s prominent in the foreground, ingland is below / beyond in the background…
(southeast is up)
…i think it’s just a poorly-ripped recording; they weren’t out of synch in original broadcast…
…may as well throw in star frontiers while you’re at it…
…i’ve wanted to play the original alternity / star*drive for twenty-five years, but i hear dark*matter is a pretty good campaign setting for the system, too…
…a lot of folks love bill nye!..he’s not my cup of tea but he’s certainly more widely-known thirty years later…
(the newspaper feature started in `91)
…nah, bill nye was a cheap beakman knock-off formatted for terminally-ADHD millenials…
…i thought walmart only staffed optometrists?..
…multi-whole-grain sourdough and way more dairy than i should be eating…
frog fractions
…trump’s trivially manipulated: the next four years are china’s best shot and they know it…
(ha - getaway car)
…maybe they like charge up at some lush port with a cheap grid surplus, sail across the atlantic to like, i don’t know, maybe texas during a polar vortex, supplement that grid for a couple of days, return + repeat for a tidy profit?..
…seems tricky to get the timing right; offshore data centers might be a better deal…
…NCSA mosaic won the web, absolutely; in truth i think it gave a lot of us an excuse to upgrade from terminals and shell accounts…
…i remember going to our computer lab in the early nineties and seeing a flyer about this new protocol called the world wide web, thinking to myself in what way is that better than gopher?..
…last week i learned that the cafeteria food i grew up with was scratch-made; the reason it tasted the same everywhere wasn’t because they all bought prepared foods from the same distributors, but because they all used the same USDA-provided recipes…
…en san juan we’re gringos, not honkeys…
…hey, willem dafoe is an accomplished thespian; show some respect…
…two-faced rarebit…