just a weird little guy

  • 36 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2022


  • I say wait for election day and flip a coin, that’s basically how elections are determined, the arbitrary whims of the margin of people in swing states who go out to vote or not. You’re individual vote does not make any difference in the absence of mass organized action, and the Democrats are terrified of exactly that kind of mass organization because otherwise they wouldn’t be so secure in running corporate puppets like Biden.

  • If you wanna be realistic about it Voting in any state other than a swing state is basically ‘throwing your vote away’ : Vote Blue in a Blue State you’re just throwing it in a pile, Vote Blue in a Red State it’s just as much a symbolic protest vote as anything else. Only in a swing state will your Vote make a tangeable difference which is why those are the only states either party even campaigns in for the most part.

  • Yeah it goes way back to the early days of lemmy, and it should be said that the the main Lemmy developers have from the begining been very welcoming to anarchists, have encouraged and helped anarchists run instances, and generally been very diplomatic and comradely despite obvious ideological differences.

    Contrast that with the raddle people who were hostile from the begging and I think still are even opposed to the idea of federation itself – an irony many have pointed out, anarchists being against decentralization – the take that ‘federation is just a fad’ could be said 5 years ago but definitely not now. I think the raddle people are just really attached to their platform postmill and the dev never intended to do federation.

    A problem with the whole ML milieu, is you have more serious Marxist-leninists who have very nuanced views of marxism, and are critical of Stalin or Mao and the like, are willing to work with people who disagree with them, and then you have people who call themselves ML’s who are really red fash i.e. think Putin is great – some non-zero number of these people are probably russian or chinese bots, let’s be real.

    Before lemmygrad all the tankiest* tanks were on the main lemmy.ml and they were were just a bunch of meanies. It’s like every day was Tianamen Square ( which is like Christmas in tankistan ) so if you were an anarchist they’d harass the fuck out of you, so this fed into the idea that the "friendly* attitude of the admin’s was just a ploy to fuck with anarchists, like a “beware of bolsheviks bearing gifts” type situation and anarchist were being led into some kind of virtual kronstadt. But as time went on the platform grew and those little commissars were gulaged into lemmygrad and that became less of a problem.

    And to be fair, anarchists have these kind of liabilities too, like eco extremists and ted k fanboys. And lo and behold they all have accounts on raddle.me

    *and no i don’t just call everyone a tankie, but if you just love Stalin and dedicate endless hours of your life “debunking” the holodomor, yes, you’re a tankie lol

  • this all checks out, I was never on r/anarchism but I’ve tried to go on raddle numerous times over the years, and every time i basically just leave in disgust because there’s so little nuance or good faith and if you aren’t completely down there their particular particular green-nihilist tendency you basically get treated like an enemy – not that I’m even against that tendency, but there’s many kinds of anarchism. And the mod(s? was it ever more than one person?) they were always having some public meltdown or being viciously attacked by people who they could have just banned ( or were they talking to themselves? ) It just always gives the place a spooky vibe, deep web forums are less paranoia inducing.