• 32 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • Microsoft is on a fuck up their product speedrun, ain’t it?

    I think at this point it’s clear they have a core base of users who (for one reason or another) aren’t going anywhere no matter how much abuse they pile on top. It’s MS’s version of that 38% or whatever of people who are clearly going to vote Trump even if he reveals himself to be the literal devil.

    Fucking up their product? Why yes, each and every year they give me a new object lesson in how grateful I am to have ejected them from my life (except when paid to use Windows) in 2007. But will the company come to harm from it? I don’t think so.

  • Not to anyone except these crybullies. A crude hat would be crude for some visible reason other than being a hat.

    A mask is only political to these assholes trying to stop people from wearing it, and during the pandemic it was only political to the same assholes who couldn’t recognize that their personal freedom didn’t extend to increasing risks to the immunocompromised, elderly, and others who were at high risk.

    The freedom they demanded then would have had health implications for people around them, and the freedom they are trying to take away now has health implications for many of the people still choosing to mask up.

  • I fully expect that when they’ve run out of culture war ideas, current Republicans will start demanding that cars of a certain color can only park in certain spots or drive in certain lanes.

    They will find a way to associate one or two specific colors with either the queer community or antifa (red and black anyone) - and that will be how it starts.

  • octopus_ink@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJoe sniffing hair tho
    2 days ago

    I would rather deeply french kiss Joe Biden than receive those sticky disgusting Trump lips on my cheek. FTR, I’m not a teen girl, nor even a girl, nor even gay. But I’ll suck Joe Biden tongue all day long before Trump puts his lips anywhere on my body.

    What’s the context anyhow? Looks recent but surprised I haven’t heard about it.