A genuine depiction of “Plague Sapiens”: a distinct form of human evolution, entirely erased from memory until it resurfaced from the infernal depths of space.

  • Fueled by artificial intelligence
  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • Then you should really only consider mass surveillance via cameras as a “big” concern. I’m not much of a travel guy, cause being handicapped has it’s downside, but afaik there aren’t many cameras spread across Europe, mostly near/on main train stations, public transport and similar public places. Use a cap/hat and maybe sunglasses. I haven’t heard of any AI/biometrical real time/logging/analyzing being used in production yet (but it’s being discussed). Don’t use public wifi, get an anonymous simcard (roaming data esims for some crypto-dollars) and a GrapheneOS Pixel smartphone (use it only when needed). Pay by cash and be nice to other humans. And don’t think too much about stuff you can’t control! Don’t let you get mad and restrict your life too hard because of stupid politicians and governments xD

    Have fun exploring Europe! Take a look at Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands. Poland and the Czech Republic are nice too, but it’s harder there to communicate in English IME.

    oh: and as a drug user, usually prescribed opioids (no abuse, I need them and have a prescription), but (a)busing weed (got a script too, but usually buy from the dealer/vape HHC currently) and hallucinogens/“fun”-drugs (LSD, Shrooms and Special K), I only had problems in Germany because of THC (haven’t had a script at this time). But usually it’s OK to party, but don’t be too open about your use. Funniest moment was in Amsterdam. Some friends and me were sitting on a bench near a little garden, drinking beers and smoking some Js. When the police drove by, we first wanted to hide the Joint, but remembered ah, no public booze in Amsterdam, and had to hide our beers instead. It’s usually the other way round :P

  • Jon-Do-Nym is a paid proxy provider with a similar structure to Tor. But nodes aren’t hosted by volunteers, they are hosted by themselves. There was one free server the last time I’ve tested it and it was a German IP in Dresden. Speed was slow. And afaik they do log user IPs.

    Wouldn’t recommend them. I would use a VPN like Mullvad combined with Tor. But maybe a VPN or Tor alone is sufficent in your case.

    Edit: Looks like there was an option to selfhost nodes (link doesn’t work anymore), the whole project looks dead too (old website, old entries). And no info about the AN.ON app…

  • Was ich eig grad zur Hand habe. Ventoy regelt mit vielen Isos. Am meisten ists aber dann doch debian (bullseye) live oder gparted, manchmal noch Strelec WinPE. Hab da etz auch kein Favorit, nutze das was ich grad brauche/die passende Distri ist/aktuell ist. Dank Internet lassen sich ja auch auf ner Live Version schnell die benötigten Anwendungen installieren, zu 90% reichen aber die Bordmittel mit ner shell aus.

    Edit: weil noch vom Schlaf verpeilt, habe auch mehrere portable SSDs mit verschiedenen Distris drauf. Damit ich auch mal an nem fremden Rechner arbeiten kann. Das nehme ixh dann ggfl auch. Wird aber mal Zeit mir mit Slax n eigenes anständiges Rettungssystem zu basteln xD

  • Wie erwähnt, die Pinetime sollte dafür funktionieren. Bekomme ich zu Weihnachten, dann werd ich damit auch weng rumtinkern. Die Idee mit dem unlocken von Systemen find ich sogar sehr gut. Hab da mal n Projekt gestartet, welches auf nem versteckbaren mini PC mit Akku laufen soll, damit bei An- oder Abwesenheit meine LUKS Systeme unlocked werden. Also das Ding pusht per SSH das passende Keyfile oder gibt das PW ein. Wie ich die Anwesenheit mache, hast du mir eig grad gesagt, mit ner Smartwatch!