quarrk [he/him]

  • 31 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2022


  • I dont know why tf so many of them feel so compelled to belittle others

    Bullying often comes from insecurity. In the first place she believes (probably taught by parents) that unattractive people are unworthy and subhuman. Combine that with emotional abuse that undermines her self-esteem, and you get someone who desperately needs affirmation that they are part of the in-group and not one of the undesirables. Putting someone else down gives a momentary feeling of being above the undesirable group, therefore among the desirables, even though she knows deep-down that social acceptance can only come from others.

  • anti scooter opinion on hexbear is really fucking weird to me

    Do you live in an area where scooters create issues?

    Scooters are a solution in search of a problem if you live in a place that already has other sustainable means of transport (separated bike lanes, reliable public transit). Vantaa is one of those places. The scooters do not solve a problem that exists here.

    People ride these things on the sidewalks all the time, it’s fucking annoying. Maybe there is a way to improve them like reducing their speed limits and adding noises like EVs have.

  • Surprised at the negative comments tbh. Imagine if a bike share program encouraged people to leave the bikes flat on the ground, wherever? The business model is a net negative for urban centers and needs to be at least reconsidered in several aspects.

    Honestly I’m wondering if the people disagreeing even live with this problem? Finland has excellent cycling and transit infrastructure. Scooters are not the only way people can be car-free here.

    The scooters also just go too fast in my opinion, and should not be silent. It is easy for uncoordinated people to ride the scooters silently through busy sidewalks at like 25 km/h.

  • Bicycles are far easier to control, and they are designed for speed with 10x larger wheels. It is much harder to weave dangerously through crowds on a bicycle because of its length. The Lime scooters are electric, so it takes zero human effort to do all of the above which creates the perfect storm for people to do dumb things on them, with more ease than a bicycle.

    There’s also the problem that there is not really a good place to place the scooters so they get littered everywhere. All this for something that doesn’t advance us past the bicycle.

  • The infrastructure in Vantaa (Helsinki region) is very good compared to most of the world. There are plentiful separated bike paths. Most likely these girls were doing something dumb considering it was three girls on the scooter. The police are considering charging the driver with “aggravated endangerment of road safety” which implies that they were likely doing something to make the driver upset (not that it excuses murder).

    I guess I’d have to see the exact road where it happened, but infrastructure doesn’t work if people go out of their way to use it incorrectly e.g. riding scooters on the road where only motor vehicles and bicycles should be.

    The solution to this isn’t taking away one of the only methods that children have to get places on their own.

    Bicycles still exist. Electric scooters are uniquely dangerous and stupid. They cause a lot of problems in urban centers while not adding any significant benefit over the bicycle.