for me what helps aside from hugging myself, is a heavy winter or rain coat. (I’ve got a sailing jacket that I love for both the weight and how it keeps me dry in all circumstances.) And those I always miss during the warm summer days.
for me what helps aside from hugging myself, is a heavy winter or rain coat. (I’ve got a sailing jacket that I love for both the weight and how it keeps me dry in all circumstances.) And those I always miss during the warm summer days.
on the right side from the railing is for the humans, the left is for cats.
nope not all series, have continued stories. That is also why I wanted to read the rest over time, to get how it fits in the overall story of the series.
that one was based on the book yeah
Oh yeah absolutely enjoyed that book, and wished I read more of the Asia saga by James Clavell to know how it fits in that even bigger story. Cause I really enjoyed the sort of chess game that was the plot (and reminded me of the best Epic fantasies in that way)
And no I did not know there was another adaptation of this story coming our way. Did see the previous miniseries from Paramount on blue-ray. With John Rhys-Davies (the actor who played Gimli in LOTR) as Rodrigues as an absolute highlight.
I try to limit my book buying already for a few years, by wanting to read a book at least three times before I buy it. (doesn’t always work, but at least it keeps me from impulse buying every book that sounds vaguely interesting.) Also I reread and lent from the library. so I do not always read new books exclusively. And once I read a book I wonder if I see myself rereading it, if yes it can stay, if no it can find a new home by secondhand bookstore or free little library.
did this happen in Giethoorn? the environment reminds me of it.
Murtagh, by Christopher Paolini the next book in the world of Alagaësia. A world I really enjoy to read in. So more books and seeing more of that world is something I always am happy about.
and this is why the producers union does have an agreement, but the Actors and the writers unions have not?
that is indeed a bittersweet story to this picture. And to make it even worse (maybe) to me all those raised bridges remind me of a greeting/salute that happen in old-fashioned rowing boats by raising all oars when passing by. To me it looked like if the city and/or those bridges are saluting that ship underway.
might be in part because at the Dutch Pen Show they were part of the goodiebag.
Yep, very familiar. at times it almost feels like my body is not very well connected to my brain.
With all information that does not or very late get processed. (like I only notice I am hungry like 2 or 3 hours after I should have eaten something, and than it just completely takes over everything and I cannot think straight)
Hunger is annoying, but with a schedule managable, same as habits of going to the bathroom, cold you dress according the weatherbulletin. But Heat and knowing where some of my bodyparts hang out is something that I struggle with regularly. For cold you just put on another layer, for heat at a certain level there are no more clothes left to take of. And with my body, at some days it’s worse than others. with elbows that hitting doorframes, or other passerby’s, small (scrape) wounds or bruises that appear on my body of which I have no clue about their orgins. It doesn’t tend to be big things, so I can keep ignoring it and pretending it just is part of me. But on some days I wonder, but what if it did was something big, would I notice it?
it “just” never is “just” one thing is it. (and this woman could have been me as well)
Why do I suspect something quite similar lead to my father saying in these circumstances to write down (or just the topic) what I wanted to say.
No option for try petting the animal?
Is it weird to have different preferences depending on the language I speak?
In English I really prefer Autistic person/identity first, over person with Autism/person first. The last seems to me a bit too pretentious for me, as if you really need to pay so much extra attention to what is wrong with me.
In my native Dutch however I somewhat more align with person first. Basicly you have three options: -ik ben Autistisch/I am Autistic -Ik ben een Autist/I am a Autistic -ik heb Autisme/I have autism The first and last option I don’t really mind wich one is used, although to describe myself I would use the first. But the middle one. Well Autist I have heard multiple times used as a curse word. (Dutch tend to use a diseases as curses to describe people) And well that does not help you feel good about yourself, or coming out of the Autism close for one thing. But even outside of people who do this, it made me avoid using that word to describe myself. As I do not want to be associated with the stereotype that belongs with that curse.
so yeah, I always find this an interesting but slightly difficult to explain question. And shows once more; words matter.
Do you mean one is sparkling and the other is not? or do both deliver the same
om het te behouden zouden we wel moeten, of het daadwerkelijk gaat gebeuren ben ik iets pessimistischer.
Tja waarom horen we zo vaak dat mensen die in een vorm van het sociaal vangnet terecht komen dat ze tegen zoveel problemen aanlopen. Het lijkt haast wel alsof ons sociale vangnet een grote gatenkaas is, dat soms meer problemen veroorzaakt dan ze oplost.
that might make it more difficult indeed to find some heavy weighted jackets to wear.