When did discord become useful?
When did discord become useful?
Were you published for writing tough guy prose?
Lol, stop empowering children who meltdown over the smallest inconvenience.
I can’t wait to hear this used in a professional setting. I’m probably going to be talked at about my response.
Your tone has an air of disgust. You clearly used goyim in a pejorative and derogatory manner.
Because I don’t use desktop environments.
I would be pissed if I got a 10/100 catalyst switch too.
Adjusting an early process to compensate for faulty processes further into cooking isn’t the right answer. I always cut potatoes before boiling. They never turned out gummy and lots of paying customers agreed.
Why did you use that slur?
Probably get hit by a car.
It touches on the core of how people become radicalized.
That would require multiple monitors and rave music.
Money is the only vote that matters. Avoid the Nazi bar. Don’t give them ad revenue or search engine relevance (for what that’s worth anymore).
I guess I have to block this community because the name is a lie.
St Louis metro cops are fucked up on their own supplies.
Kinda rude to take out the pisser.
Hey buddy, when I go to a waffle house bathroom and find a discarded needle I don’t make a huge fuss.
I think what I’m trying to say it comes with the territory.
Great detective work.
That indignant face and ‘look what I did, what are ya gonna do about it’ ears.
Because of the psychoactive stimulant that builds tolerance quickly.