Hello Lemmy!

I am a former 10-year Reddit user who is making the migration to Lemmy since RiF is being shut down by Reddit’s hostile API actions. I am a Purdue University alumnus and mechanical engineer with a multitude of interests. Greetings!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So depending on how “gamey” you want to make it, I could see implementing an aid type of system. The idea would be for each task or quest or whatever thing it is each group of NPCs is doing, there would be a behind the scenes roll with a DC based on the difficulty. Your party, through interacting with NPCs, setting up appropriately during downtime sessions, choosing the right combinations of mercenaries for a given job, etc. could modify or otherwise have an effect on that DC.

    Say for example one task the mercenary company has available is to escort a carriage to the next town over to deliver precious cargo. The PCs could handle that, but maybe they’d rather let some of their fellow mercenaries handle it instead. You might know a group of bandits is waiting along the road, so it would be say a DC 15 to see whether the cart makes it safely. The party might choose to send a veteran mercenary (-1), might make sure the carriage is well armed for the journey (-1), and might have a conversation with a younger mercenary also slated to join the trip to try to boost her confidence (-1). So the final DC based on the party’s preparations would be 12. It could also make sense to use a success/failure threshold like how Pathfinder 2E handles things. If you fail the check by only 5 or less, maybe the cart still makes it but some of the goods were destroyed in a scrum. Fail the DC by more and the cart might get completely lost. Or maybe the young mercenary is kidnapped and has to be rescued!

    This is just one example but it really depends on what sort of framework you have in mind for the types of tasks their fellow mercenaries will be performing. Best of luck to you!

  • I think the issue is packing SCOTUS isn’t even a band aid fix to the problem. You’d have to completely overhaul the way the Court works to get a meaningful impact on the way it operates currently. I’ve seen ideas floated like expanding the judiciary and then choosing a certain number of justices randomly to preside over each case, but that is probably worse than our current system because you could end up with an even more radical Court presiding over a very impactful case.