spacecadet [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2021


  • I agree that even if an author claims there is no meaning in a story they wrote, and even if the story itself seems vapid, meaning can indeed be pulled out, or at the very least the story can serve as a data point in a meta analysis of cultural trends of the time, etc…while I agree with this, a ton of people really do just absorb stories at face value cause it’s interesting to exist somewhere else for a bit or vicariously experience emotions through characters or just enjoy a series of thrilling events.

  • I saw Her for the first time this year and it looks nice and sounds nice but dang it’s pretty cringe with the self insert sad sack white boy stuff. A big part of AI ScarJo’s self actualization is by hanging out with AI Alan Watts. And they do Rooney Mara dirty with her cliche emotional ex-gf routine. I legit thought the movie was gonna turn itself against the protag but it never comes. Like, dang did I write this screenplay as a teenager? /end rant

  • Any historical depiction is automatically ahistorical and always reflects the ideologies of the time, this includes Ubisoft specifically choosing a black protagonist and this also includes the ahistorical Western white-man-dominated depictions of history these chuds were exposed to as teenagers and internalized as ‘correct’ and ‘default’.

    It’s kinda frustrating to an extent that either side in this stupid gamer debate claims some closer simulacrum of history.