Yeah I hate socialism, I hate parks, roads, public schools, firefighters, the police etc…
Kingdom of the crystal skulls because it was the most shizo, it had it all other dimensional aliens, mind control, hyper intelligence, ancient gold. Good shit even if the writing wasn’t as good as the earlier ones.
I hope the open assistant group pushes all these companies shit in. OpenAI my ass, more like closed AI, anticompetitor AI, sell to the highest bidder AI.
I don’t see reading that much different from watching tv. What is the difference between watching lost and an episode of 3brown1blue, a documentary or a course of algorithms? Reading a shitty book, textbook, a classic? Games were a gateway into CS far more useful then pickling shit or making chairs in workshops I don’t have. A skill that is by all practical use useless. Instead of that you should just be enrolling into an online degree or trade. Unless you want to rank hobbies and their outcomes.
I don’t give money to scummy billion dollar companies, simple as. That is my frugality to not give my money to psychopaths.
It’s a hobby, some people produce content with video games or getting into making video games and computer science as I did. I don’t know why I would be canning fruit and vegs or carpentry when I want to relax or hang out with friends. Being this elitist over a hobby is a red flag in itself. Could be a bait post too.
That’s not what the meme said, you kinda have to be more specific friend