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  • 45 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2024


  • Bei Gopher käme ich da zu spät, die Zöglinge der Werbemafia haben mit Gemini ja schon “Gopher, aber Werbung sieht darin besser aus” so geschickt platziert, dass sogar “Nerds” mir fortwährend erzählen wollen, dass Gopher “so was von alt” dagegen aussehe. Ja, tut es und das ist auch gut so. Beim Usenet wird das schwieriger.

  • You can make embarrassing mistakes in virtually any programming language that’s not too esoteric.

    When I still used Python for prototyping (today, I usually use Go for that), it happened much too often that I did this:

    if foo:
       foobar() # syntax error

    In Lisp, however, both errors are much harder to make (not even considering GNU Emacs’s superb auto-indentation - which is what most Lispers use these days, as far as I know):

    (when foo)  ;; <- obvious!
    (when foo
              (foobar)  ;; <- still valid
    (quux))  ;; <- also still valid