unperson [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • nerd excuse me the embargo has an exception for food and medicine

    It’s really easy you see, you just need to pass an inspection and get a written permission from the President of the US, the payment must be made in cash in US dollars before shipment and through some non-American bank, and the shipping company must go straight from a US port to a Cuban port and back with no layovers.

    This is not a joke, it’s what is actually written in the law.

  • Of course you had to have something to drive the VGA outputs. Usually this meant a VIA, SiS, or Unichrome chip in the motherboard. Those chips often had no 3D acceleration at all, and a max resolution of 1280x1024. You were lucky to have shaders instead of fixed-function pipelines in 2008-era integrated graphics, and hardware accelerated video decoding was unheard of. The best integrated GPUs were collaborations with nVidia that basically bundled a GPU with the mainboard, but those mainboards were expensive.

    Windows Vista did not run well at all on these integrated chips, but nobody liked Windows Vista so it didn’t matter. After Windows 7 was released, Intel started bundling their “HD Graphics” on CPUs and the on-die integrated GPU trend got started. The card in the picture belongs to the interim time where the software demanded pixel shaders and high-resolution video but hardware couldn’t deliver.

    They left a lot of work for the CPU to do: if you try to browse hexbear on them you can see the repainting going from top bottom as you scroll. You can’t play 720p video and do anything else with the computer at the same time, because the CPU is pegged. But if you put the 9500 GT on them then suddenly you can use the computer as a HTPC. It was not an expensive card, it was 60-80 USD, and it was a logical upgrade to a tower PC you already have to make it more responsive and enable it to play HD video.

  • I’ve got a hang-over pet policy from when I was a baby leftist to abolish rents on land, but with a twist: Any exchange of money for the use of a property is a sale. It’s absolutely financial neoLIB bullshit but I can’t take it off my mind.

    The idea being that if, over time, you pay the landlord for maintenance + the value of the house, you get the title for the house, and this is the law and you can go to court, prove that you’ve paid for rent over however many years, and get the title of the house.

    If you leave before that there’d be some system where the “rent” payments are split equally and you get the value back from whoever is currently living there, because you’re selling your share to them. Since the payments are split equally minority “shareholders” leave first. If nobody lives there but you’re paying taxes and maintenance, you still paying for the house so you accrue shares of the house.

    I think it might be palatable for neolibs, destroy the value of homes for rent-seeking, but preserve it for construction, which is what libs always complain about when you talk about abolishing rent.

  • You can take Mickey from Steamboat Willie, make him wink, give him tie-dye shorts and pink skin, and use him as the logo Mickey Dishwasher Soap—you can’t use him as is for a trademark because it’s too generic.

    You can’t use his ears for an animation studio or a TV channel because it’s easy to confuse with Disney’s trademarks.

    Trademarks are limited by category (which is why Apple Computer got into a lawsuit with Apple Records only after Apple Computer launched iTunes, before it was perfectly fair) and enforced on similarity. Also a trademark has to be distinct but doesn’t have to be original, you can use a bitten apple as a trademark but you can’t copyright that shape.

    Edit: another difference between trademarks and copyright is that you never lose the copyright, but you must keep enforcing a trademark. If you let your brand become the generic term for a product, if you let others use your mark without suing them, then you lose the rights over the name.

  • The big problem with disabling µTP is that because it uses UDP, under some kinds of NAT you can get incoming connections despite being NATted. So you will loose some peers if you’re behind a NAT. If you’re not NATted there’s no connectability advantage, because every client that implements µTP can fall back to TCP.

    The big advantage to disabling it that you can tweak these things. I don’t know of any client that lets you choose which congestion control algorithm that µTP uses. They all use one called LEDBAT that’s one of the first attempts to design one that avoids “bufferbloat”, i.e. that problem where the torrents fill up the buffers in routers and “clog up the Internet”. That’s nice however it doesn’t work well with networks with a lot of jitter like wi-fi, and it “loses” to algorithms that do fill up the buffer like the default TCP CUBIC. BBR avoids bufferbloat and is designed to keep working well with high jitter—Google’s intention was to make YouTube load faster on mobile phones. It also it wins over CUBIC, which is why almost every seedbox comes configured with no µTP and BBR congestion control. However, because it wins over CUBIC it will “clog up the Internet” in a different way: you may get lower speeds on everything else but don’t lose interactivity.

    Linux comes with a different version of BBR that’s tuned to always yield to other traffic called lp. You enable it with net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = lp. I think lp is the optimal choice for seeding public torrents: you give full speed to faraway peers, but only when there’s nobody else that can do it.

  • There are two low level tricks that make a huge difference for seeding, even if you can’t open ports. These are generic Linux tweaks, you may have to adapt them for QNAP depending on how customized it is. Ask me if you need help. As far as I can tell you need to ssh to the “admin” acount, so open a command line and type ssh admin@your-nas.

    To make both tweaks permanent you need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf. you can try editing them with nano. If you don’t have nano you’ll have to try with vi, but vi is not intuitive at all to use.

    nano /etc/sysctl.conf
    • The first tweak makes you a lot more effective to peers that are on unstable connections and on wi-fi. Google uses it for most of their infrastructure, originally on YouTube. You can read their article for more info on how it works.

      Add this line to /etc/sysctl.conf, close nano with ctrl-X, and reboot:

      net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = bbr
    • The second tweak decides how fast you can upload to people far away from you. If you calculate 2 * this value / your latency to them, you get the max speed you can upload to them. For simplicity I set it to be the same as my upload speed: let’s say you have 10 MB/s upload, that’s 10000000 bytes / second:

      Add this line to /etc/sysctl.conf, close nano with ctrl-X, and reboot:

      net.core.wmem_max = 10000000

      This way even someone in Australia with 500 ms of latency can download at 10 MB/s from you, (2 * 10000000 bytes / 0.500s = 10 MB/s)

    After rebooting you can check if the setting stuck with the command sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control and sysctl net.core.wmem_max respectively.

    For any of this to make a difference you should disable µTP in your torrent client, or make it prefer TCP over µTP.

    To me it makes an enormous difference, from barely any upload at all to 100 GB per day. And I’m sure it’s nice for whoever is downloading on the other side to get what they’re looking for super fast.