Foarte bine pentru comunitatea romana din Ucraina!
Super fain ca personalitati precum Dacian Ciolos folosesc reddit, am văzut si eu asta dar mi-ai luat-o înainte cu postarea!
A doua oara cu noroc!
Am inceput sa ma indoiesc de faptul ca Iohanis a fost raul cel mai mic.
Nu consumam mai puțin?
As adăuga si faptul ca lipsesc o grămadă de comunități mai mici pe lemmy.
Out of your list, I would say that only load balancing would really make a difference, and only up to a certain point, depending on the number of hosts. It really takes time to introduce a meaningful DDOS prevention mechanism, as it may require both development and DevOps time to implement. Perhaps in the future, as Lemmy evolves, we will see less reliance on Cloudflare, but right now, we don’t have many options. Lastly, you also have to consider the costs in terms of time and money.
Aproape ca nu ma indoiesc de asta.