If it does business in the US, its a US company.
If it does business in the US, its a US company.
because I don’t need to be part of the problem. I can go remove the gps module and wrap the esim in lead foil because I see the value in that.
they should throw abbot in and see if they’re designed to drown people.
No. Why? what changes then?
Would they not pull the trigger all the same if the situations were reversed?
Killing all the humans would work.
The software isn’t perfect, but with a half decent video it works fine.
You just have to calibrate the frame rate and chunking depending on your cameras fps and resolution.
Made it to practice some more complex functions in Python.
Not sure why you’re surprised. Musk showed his true colors by hoarding wealth for his whole life.
But now you’re surprised he’s an asshole?
No good person has a billion dollars.
Lfs actually took me like 10 1/2 hours to finish building.
I would never use that as a daily driver.
dyson makes the worst urinals. Piss got everywhere.