edit: context:

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From The Independent:

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, public health minister Andrew Gwynne said the government is considering “tightening up the hours of operation” of bars and pubs as part of an attempt to improve health and combat anti-social behaviour.

But a Department for Health spokesman said: “This is categorically untrue.”

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝OPA
    7 hours ago

    Drinking at the pub is anti social now?

    No, that’s the unhealthy bit (although I’d bet it is unhealthier to stay at home and hammer down a couple of bottles of White Lightning from Bargain Booze). The anti-social part is leaving the pub shouting and causing fights, which happened much more often with less flexible opening hours as everyone would grab three (or four if you were pushing it) pints of Wife Beater before lasties, chug the lot and get binned out onto the streets at the same time as everyone else, causing mayhem. I remember it well (or vaguely depending on how many pints I’d drunk) and the current system is less “fun” but definitely reduces the impact on the neighbourhood.

    I guess people should just stay home and watch Christian porn.

    We can multitask.