The Steam Deck has revolutionized the gaming handheld market. With the Linux-based immutable SteamOS, Valve has fostered an active community developing mods and alternative systems for this platform. Other manufacturers distribute Windows-based mobile consoles. However, time and time again it has been shown that they lag behind Linux in terms of software support.

But how easy is it to bring a Linux distribution, say openSUSE, to the Steam Deck?

In this talk, a prototype based on openSUSE’s open technologies and infrastructure will be presented, which is already (almost) fully functional on the Steam Deck and many other devices.

  • theshatterstone54
    22 hours ago

    Setting up a WM and installing a ton of software you might need on Bazzite is a long and painful process. The best way seems to be to just create a custom Ublue image, and I’ve been trying to do that and have failed miserably on multiple occasions.

    And on top of all that, there are a bunch of useless configurations, like the shell, and whatever they did with ld, breaking my Neovim in the process, which I’d prefer not to have.

    While it is very good for a Steam Deck OS, it still has issues like every other distro out there.