“If the chattering classes of Europe need a cautionary tale, they can look further afield than Japan. Michael Deacon’s recent column casts a dire portrait using a simple formula: fewer babies in Japan equals societal collapse, and by that logic, Britain’s increasing childlessness threatens to do the same. But this logic is flawed at its core, and to assume British millennials’ choices stem from mere selfishness is to misunderstand the situation entirely.”

  • @HumanPenguin
    1811 months ago

    Given tory voters spent most of the 80s and 90s. Arguing that poor people should.d not have children if they cannot afford it.

    The whole idea that not doing so is selfish. Shows how freaking arrogant the right wing always are,

    • ikiru
      1011 months ago

      It shows they always argue in bad faith.

      Pointless to engage with them in it.