Can the Rejoin campaign learn anything from the End of Prohibition?

  • snacks
    1 year ago

    Yes and an example given is the import/export tariffs. We have no tariffs on goods coming in (including by having a non working customs system) but the EU happily taxes the shit out of our exports.

    I also liked the part about the end of prohibition making it much harder to buy alcohol because where previously there wasn’t much in the way of regulation because of the taxes generated (before US income tax laws) the new regulations had all sorts of clauses like Sunday trading, closing times for bars, age restrictions and the rest. The same will happen with our eventual return to the big table, we will have a very different deal and perhaps use the EU’s powers which we had previously but somehow ignored to come to a settlement on immigration. First item of business is to clear out these utter morons currently squatting inside our parliament