I also wanted to post this great segment from BBC Breakfast, currently a pinned post on r/ADHDUK.

I found it both extremely validating and upsetting to see the exact anguish on his face that I’ve been experiencing.

The link should take you to the start of the studio segment (2:18) but the clip that precedes it is also worth your time if you have it.

If anyone in your life wants to know why you’re struggling right now, I’m yet to come across a better and more concise resource to express it.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
    1 年前

    Perhaps the most telling but is where the discuss the export restrictions, even though we don’t make the medicine here. There’s a serious shortfall in joined up thinking and you can’t just punt the problem onto over-worked GPs. They’re just going through the motions to make it look like they are doing something.

    • HaunchesTVOPM
      1 年前

      Very much so. Passing the buck onto GPs when the system is already at capacity is also why so many shared care agreements are being rejected. The NHS are being forced to leave people with no option for care and it’s shameful; a damning indictment of the state the government has chosen to put the NHS in. They’ve very purposefully spent the last decade-or-so driving people towards private healthcare, then seem to want to blame those private companies in part for the issue we’re now facing.

      I also keep meaning to explore the supply chain issues further and why the delays are quite so long. Sure, these are controlled drugs and there’s probably a whole heap of bureaucracy involved but (potentially) three months seems like an absurd amount of time. If the government wanted to intervene then they would but the lack of action may be telling.

      I’ll also take this opportunity to link this other great post from r/ADHDUK, detailing a lot of the problems involved with the supply chain. I can’t believe that was only 11 days ago… we’re still in the same no-news position we were 11 days ago!!