Apple’s MacBook Pro memory problem is worse than ever::Apple still sells expensive “Pro” computers with just 8GB of RAM and charges a fortune for more.

  • ianovic69
    7 months ago

    Wow, people here hate Apple don’t they?

    It’s fair if you’re a pro and need the latest new hardware. If not, like me, I got an 18mth old MBP for about a third of the new price. It’s incredible, best thing I ever did. And Apple don’t get my money!

      7 months ago

      I mean, jacked up prices, lots of anti-consumer crap, questionable ethical practices in foreign markets…

          7 months ago

          Don’t fanboi over any one system/supplier/etc. Really all you can do. There’s no perfect brand, OS, etc. There’s better choices, but no clear winner.

              7 months ago

              It is not. There is no ethical alternative. There is no universally superior operating system. Make your own choices based on your own needs and don’t listen to fanbois.

                7 months ago

                Eh, I like my work issued Ryzen 5000 Thinkpad more than I’d like to admit but the M series MacBooks are so much better it’s not funny. Everything you do on one is pretty much instant, the screen is gorgeous, it’s silent, and the battery lasts forever. The hardware is definitely several grades above the Lenovo.

                The OS, you’re right, use what you like. Windows and macOS both have advantages and disadvantages.

      • ianovic69
        7 months ago

        Sure, if I had paid a jacked up price, if there were any other options that don’t have questionable ethical practices, and lastly as it’s not really clear, anti-consumer crap.

        What does that mean, exactly? Because consumers are the income for a company that sells stuff, so I don’t really know what you’re getting at.

        But, if I concede that you mean things like having huge price differences between base RAM and useful RAM, because that’s the main contention here generally, I haven’t given Apple anything in that regard either.

        Overall, it’s weird how people use the voting system. It was weird on Reddit but I thought there would be less weird voting here. I mean, I don’t give a shit, but it is weird.

        I usually only mention this once on a sub/community if at all, because it doesn’t matter. I just find it weird enough to sometimes say so.

        But, I digress. I bought a used MBP and got an amazing deal while Apple got nothing. It’s been almost two years, I use it to make music for fun and it handles everything I throw at it. It gets hot as it’s Intel but I use a pad thing with fans in. The noise doesn’t bother me, for detailed listening I use good headphones.

        If I were relying on it to make a living, maybe things would be different. But not necessarily. These are the people my first comment was clearly aimed at. Why anyone would question that is, frankly, weird.

        But people here hate Apple and me using Apple is enough to spread the hate, regardless of my not giving anything to Apple.

        Rant over, I guess.

          7 months ago

          Lets break this down shale we. But I’m going to pull the rug from under you right from the start with the anti-consumer practices. I don’t know how you’ve managed to get on Lemmy, presumably because you had a Reddit account, yet somehow navigated around all the Apple anti-consumer practices. I’m not even going to go into it, but, I will link you to someone who’s a far better representative of this, as he’s actually spoken to this. I recommend watching the “Lobbying at legislature” about the right to repair. Should give you a good start. From there, I suggest watching other videos of his, especially regarding Apple products and the lengths they go to so you cannot repair your device.

          You owning an Apple device… means you use software (as one would with any computer). Right now, I could open up Visual Studio and knock out an app that’ll work on Android, Linux, or Windows. Reasonably would cost me nothing to create and distribute. But if I want to do something in Mac, I have to spend a lot of money just to get the app in that eco system, let alone actually compile and test it. So you owning an Apple device, despite you thinking you found a glitch in the system, are actually getting money to Apple. You actively pad active user engagement numbers that gets used to try to sway developers to support a terrible ecosystem. Here’s a game developer summing it up in a YT short

          I mean, I generally I wouldn’t be actively supporting/defending a company who’s products are made with sweatshop/slave labor that had to install anti-suicide net to try and stop people from jumping out windows. but hey, you do you.

          Take your pick as to why people both on Reddit and Lemmy aren’t super stoked about Apple products.

          • ianovic69
            7 months ago

            You’re sailing very close to the wind my friend, personal attacks are not a good look, however veiled.

            But I’ll let that go, I don’t find cheap shots worthwhile.

            You find me a big tech manufacturer that’s squeaky clean and I’ll give you that one.

            As for software, I don’t really use anything that’s not also available on at least some of the other platforms you mention. I’m not signed into my Apple ID on it, I only use Chrome on it to get the software I use.

            I’m well aware of the issues but you thinking I’m somehow worse than anyone using a PC with Windows or whatever is just naive.

            And to top it all, you think I made some kind of attack on those who don’t like Apple. Again, it’s not looking good for you and you’re doing the heavy lifting for me.

            Try again chump.

              7 months ago

              personal attacks are not a good look, however veiled.

              Wait, isn’t this you?

              Try again chump.

              Rules for thee, but not for me it seems eh. I do not apologize because you feel “personally attacked” because I pointed out, with links to Apples anti-consumer behavior, to Apples predatory behavior with developers, and Apple having to address the suicide/slavery. That’s on you.

              You find me a big tech manufacturer that’s squeaky clean and I’ll give you that one.

              None of them are squeaky clean. No company is anywhere. But I can go into say Microcenter, and pick parts from various brands, they all work together and I can build a computer I’m happy with in the end. Something literally impossible with Apple products.

              As for software, I don’t really use anything that’s not also available on at least some of the other platforms you mention. I’m not signed into my Apple ID on it, I only use Chrome on it to get the software I use.

              Then you need a Chromebook. Or could use Linux. But unless your spoofing your user agent, everyone you connect to with on a browser, absolutely knows where it came from. It’s not like, if I don’t sign in with a Microsoft account, all of a sudden I’m going to pull a fast one on Steam.

              I’m well aware of the issues but you thinking I’m somehow worse than anyone using a PC with Windows or whatever is just naive.

              So your aware of the issues, ignore them and then use a straw-man argument. The slave labor being used in Apple is fine because… Windows… Ok.

              And to top it all, you think I made some kind of attack on those who don’t like Apple.

              Nope. I re-read my post, unsure where you go that from.

              Again, it’s not looking good for you and you’re doing the heavy lifting for me.

              Right, fuck me, I provided sources from various people. Clearly a bad look because I did research and presented evidence to my argument. And you think your on the moral/ethical high ground here, especially after you clearly are unbothered by the slave labor. But I need to be worried about my look to… who exactly? Apple? You? Who exactly do I need to ensure I have a “good look” for?

              • ianovic69
                7 months ago

                Rules for thee, but not for me

                You started it -

                I don’t know how you’ve managed to get on Lemmy


                because you feel “personally attacked” because I pointed out, with links to Apples anti-consumer behavior


                None of them are squeaky clean. No company is anywhere.

                That my friend is the sound of you conceding. Well done.

                But I can go into say Microcenter,

                I did this for years. It’s one of the reasons I got a MBP. But you carry on ranting at me, it’s all my fault apparently.

                Then you need a Chromebook. Or could use Linux.

                Chromebook and Linux are not for me. In fact they are considerably worse.

                everyone you connect to with on a browser, absolutely knows where it came from

                Good. That’s useful, I’ll keep doing it. Thanks.

                The slave labor being used in Apple is fine because… Windows… Ok.

                Not what I said. But you’ve conceded so whatever.

                Nope. I re-read my post, unsure where you go that from.

                Because you said -

                Take your pick as to why people both on Reddit and Lemmy aren’t super stoked about Apple products.

                I provided sources

                For no good reason it turns out.

                And you think your on the moral/ethical high ground here, especially after you clearly are unbothered by the slave labor.

                More inaccurate conclusions. You aren’t very good at this.

                Who exactly do I need to ensure I have a “good look” for?

                I’ll let you work that one out.

                Have a nice Xmas!

    • Tiger
      7 months ago

      The thing about used macbooks is that you don’t know if the drive is trashed. If the SSD dies, it will take the whole machine down, and you can’t even boot with an external drive because the “Bios” is stored on the SSD. So the machine is bricked.

      • ianovic69
        7 months ago

        If it was trashed, and I don’t see why it would be, how long would it take to become apparent?

        A year’s guarantee from a refurb company would cover that? And my backup just goes into the replacement. I don’t really see a problem but I’m happy to be educated.

        • Tiger
          7 months ago

          It could be a year or two until failing, who knows. People that do heavy video and audio edits tend to wear those drives faster than everyone else due to the high number of reads and writes. Also, how many times can you swap the machine under warranty? And how many years do you intend to keep yours? A repair out of warranty may be the cost of a new machine, and those are really expensive, not to mention the downtime you’ll have to get the swap done.

          Mine, a top of line Dell notebook with 32Gb of RAM and 2Tb SSD, lasted about ten years of heavy audio and video work, with a quick and cheap SSD swap in between to keep it going. Easy repairs and little downtime is pretty important to me, but that’s just me.

          Those are just factors that I think should be considered, and I saw a bunch of colleagues that did not thought about it, and sailed through rough spots waiting their machines to be fixed. It may be your case, or may be not.

          • ianovic69
            7 months ago

            Overall that’s fair. I’m not a heavy user and it’s not my living. The warranty is probably for one swap but it’s lapsed now. If it was going to break it would have by now but I have other options and they run to about 5 years.

            I used windows for years for audio and it was always a pain. Having said I would never buy Apple anything, I finally got to try it and the difference is night and day.

            That’s just my experience but if I was doing this professionally as my main source of income, any hardware issues would be fully covered. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise. I’d use the best tools for the job and for me that’s Apple.

            I do think it’s worth considering the points you’ve made if you’re in that position. My points were not aimed at those people, just at those in a similar position to mine. The discussion though, is always useful for the observers, so I think we’ve done ok there.

            Happy Xmas!