Talks on returning as an associate member after Brexit row are close to agreement, say diplomatic sources

  • mannycalavera
    1 year ago

    But for Rejoin to happen, we don’t need Leave voters to vote for it in large numbers - we just need Remain voters to vote for it and Leave voters not to kick up a stink.

    For rejoin to happen one of Labour or Conservatives need to put it as a main selling point in their manifesto to the effect of: “We pledge within our first term to submit an application for rejoining the EU / EEA”. But they won’t do this. Labour might make cute noises around this to fool voters in the South that they are on their side but they’ll never actually go out on an election with this promise. Conservatives won’t either. Fuck the Greens because we don’t like hippies and fuck the Lib Dems because of tuition fees or something I don’t even know anymore 🤷.

    Long story short, this isn’t going to happen. Not because there isn’t a large amount of people that want it (I don’t disagree with your polling numbers) but because nobody wants to potentially lose their chances of getting in or staying in power and that’s more important to them.