• Freeman@lemmy.pub
    1 year ago

    One to add is Kagi.

    It’s paid only. They literally don’t track searches (they may allow history in the future).

    You need a login and email to sign up but the email can be fake (I probably wouldn’t reccomend that)

    And if you do a lot of programming it’s honestly better than some mentioned.

    Again it’s paid because there’s no ads. You are literally supporting the product and devs.

    It does have bangs like DDg. You can even exclude domains from being returned if you want. And each result gives you things like trackers etc.

    It’s quite nice. I moved off DDG several months ago and haven’t looked back.

    Note: it’s not necessarily cheap, buts it’s been a solid value add for me. I do a lot of research and searching for work.