Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.

Administrador da instância

Computer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal. instance administrator.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2021


  • StreetComplete is godsend. Editing OSM in JOSM, iD, etc, is not trivial and involves reading a lot of documentation and forum posts (if you care to do things right), which of course isn’t anywhere near practical for small devices when you’re on the go, surveying.

    This app changed my whole routine. The interface is really solid and helps the community target important tasks, rewarding it with little prizes. Althewhile, the gamification is kept at a very healthy level, to avoid attracting leaderboard seekers and whatnot, which would certainly lower the quality of contributions.

    I think the contribution day grid (akin to GitHub’s thing) as well as the dynamic category explorer, the badges and the OSM-related projects it reveals to you bit by bit really bring everything together. It’s an incredible tool!

    For the experienced (and this is not said lightly), there is the expert version, which adds more advanced editing features for those looking for a bit more control in regular SC.

  • Yeeeah, it was a jam-packed episode, lots happening.

    I’m surprised they went down the list in the tower in the same episode. I was totally expecting that to be a next season thing.

    Same tbh. We got some quick (bro) scenes and Ashley’s V 💉. I bet the first episode of S5 will feature the aftermath of this purge significantly. HL is just isolating himself more and more. Stan’s comment from that dead ass scene is getting realer :P

    But man it might be one of the best seasons yet. Every episode was a banger.

    I actually thought it wasn’t the best. In between episodes, I started rewatching S1 (ended up finishing it all up and going through S2 and S3 too… I’m terrible >.<) and man, it was so freaking good. First season is peak The Boys for me. Second and third are also good, but the first one is so solid. The fourth one had more ups and downs imo. The fourth episode (with HL’s visit to his ex-home lab) was an obvious up, but there were weaker episodes imo, like the one where they got Stan out (sad we didn’t get to see him in the finale, he’s out because of Vichy, is he not?).

  • Holy freaking shite, what a finale!

    Random assortment of thoughts:

    • Nice and quick joke at the WB Batgirl debacle with the A-Train movie getting pulled out.
    • Erin Moriarty’s performance as both Annie and the shapeshifter was jaw-breaking, loved it! Finally she got some great scenes.
    • Shapeshifter’s skin peeling is disgusting as hell.
    • Karl’s makeup for sick butcher was spot on. Also love Kessler’s portrayal, very well acted.
    • Ryan’s actor(s?) is doing a really good job too, he’s got some talent at a young age.
    • Still on that topic of Ryan, nice to see him disobey HL. Half expected a brawl in that scorched room.
    • Shapeshifter’s quick correction of psycopath -> sociopath was interesting to see. Again excellent acting from Erin. Great insight into Annie’s character too.
    • HL is just a complete wildcard at this point, he just freaking ratted Vichy like that.
    • Rip Ashley II, kinda poetic that she was killed by Noir II (with a murder boner lol). Cold death though.
    • Ashley I took V! Looking forward to seeing her powers in Gen V S2, maybe??
    • Always love Frenchie’s lab scenes. Reminds me of S1.
    • Connect 4 was cute. Grace fucked it up pretty badly and pushed Ryan too far. He shouldn’t have killed her, but she was playing with fire.
    • Deep just disgusts me further every episode.
    • Firecracker got a classic HL treatment, she’s probably starting to think more about her life choices.
    • Annie’s escape scene was absolutely brutal. The special/visual effects on this show are quite something.
    • Shapeshifter’s rampage on the bunker was nice, loved the use of dolls for that guy getting bent backwards.
    • Kimiko getting her neck 180’d was… yeah.
    • Annie vs shapeshifter 🔥 though I thought it was a bit short, was expecting a bit more of a fight. Was sorta nice they didn’t get Kimiko back in time to help Annie, and instead let her have it all by herself.
    • Hughie and Annie’s little fight was pretty cute, ngl. Her comeback later with “shapershifter syphilis” was great xD
    • Vichy’s call to Hughie was touching.
    • I kinda expected the pub writer to live, but the Deep is HL’s little puppy.
    • 🇫🇷🥰
    • Butcher’s realization that Grace’s death was fucked and his slow nod to Kessler was 👌
    • Oh my gawd! Vichy’s death was so fucking brutal and unexpected, jfc. Poor Zoe, had to watch that and get sent to Red River (though she was quite violent too). That’s some bad stuff brewing for Gen V S2, I smell it.
    • Butcher was looking sooo much healthier, though. As soon as he yielded to Kessler, he stopped being sabotaged by it. Fuck cancer.
    • Sage is such a wildcard too, but at least we got to see some of her motive? Does she just want to test some theories of her at a real scale, thus cementing how brilliant she is? Does she just want power because that’s ultimately what somebody can achieve in their lifespan (doesn’t make all that much sense)?
    • Rip Dakota Bob
    • HL’s last speech and close up was nice. From what I can tell, they are closing the gap between the show and the comics.
    • The U-turn on The Boys’ escape completely caught me off-guard, but was pretty good. As I’ve seen mentioned, t’was a bit of a Endgame portal moment, but nice nonetheless.
    • Kimiko’s screams and pleads were devastating 😭 Sam was just completely unfazed by anything :/ Kind of expected Frenchie to commit suicide, but I guess he can be more useful to make some sort of antidote to the virus?
    • Poor MM, with his Love Sausage encounters. It was the 3rd now! Nobody deserves a phallic slap.
    • Why did they get Eleven™️? I thought she hated Vought&Co for all the shit they did to her. Felt very out of place.
    • On the other hand, Star(f)light go brrrrrrrr. Dunno how she draws power when flying in the sky…
    • I swear to god they played a tiny snippet of the Avenger theme, completely out of tune, when they panned to Soldier Boy’s face, in the mid-credits scene. Curious to see his role in the next season.

    Well, that was quite lengthy lmao. But it was a very packed episode, much more so than all other 7 episodes in this season, I feel like.

  • Not really, 2k is enough to have a result with a pretty low error %.

    You’re totally right, my statistics is very rusty, good lord. For the ~240M eligible voters in the US, you can get roughly 2% margin of error, for the usual 95% confidence level.

    My comment was a bit daft, in retrospective. Surely the polling people know what they’re doing, better than I do for sure x)
    I guess it goes to show how non intuitive some statistical methods can be at first?

  • in Europe?
    12 days ago

    I’m not familiar with any service that works at the international level, but over in Portugal, the biggest ATM network, Multibanco, has had a service called MB NET (now integrated with the newer MB WAY app), which allows you to create temporary cards with 3 different behaviours: one-time, monthly, multiple uses. The first one always has 1 month of validity, while the others only expire after a year, and you can define a maximum capacity.

    It works perfectly well in foreign online services, but you have to have a card from one of the associated banks (presumably from their Portuguese branch?).