• ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Please, cut the crap. I’ve seen the subreddit and the Tumblr tags, I know you thieves aren’t broke, and aren’t stealing necessities. And you guys can’t even help but expose yourselves anyway, unable to resist encouraging the theft of even high-end luxury items.

      The irony is that you try to rationalize it as ‘I’m only hurting the Big Bad Soulless Corporation’, but the fact is that you’re not hurting it, you’re hurting the people who work there to survive, people who probably are much closer to being broke than you are. If shrinkage gets too high, a location isn’t just going to hang around not profiting, it’ll get closed.

      And then, of course, people like you will complain about the food desert that now exists in that area, completely unironically, because you’re just that far gone.