I notice that the sidebar shows that we now have 250 subscribers to the UK Nature and Environment community.

I recall reading a while back that the subscriber numbers only refer to subscribers on the local instance - feddit.uk. I am not sure whether that is still true but, if so, we presumably have at least a few more than that from other instances.

Either way, it is good to see the numbers increasing - so: Hi everyone - hope that you are having a good Sunday!

I have just been watching a kestrel surveying the garden from the larch at the end and yesterday evening had a stoat in the garden for a while, which ran up our apple tree and back down without breaking stride. I have never really seen one go all the way up a tree like that before. It puts a different perspective on how they hunt.

  • flamingos-cant
    51 month ago


    subscriber numbers only refer to subscribers on the local instance

    This was only true for remote communitites, home instances would always report the total subs across all instances. It was also changed in 0.19, now all instances report the true total.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
    21 month ago

    Well done - a testament to the hard work you’ve all been putting in here.