Really weird (/s) how quickly it went from a couple of Chinese tourists asking politely not be filmed to the guy embracing the racist Winnie the Pooh stereotype and talking about how oppressed Hong Kong and Taiwan are.
The Winnie the Pooh thing is just such nonsense to me. Even if we’re going to pretend that it’s banned in China and if you post it you get sent to an organ harvesting factory how in the fuck is it a valid form of protest while safely in the west? They aren’t even burning them in effigy. It’s just like the “ARE YOU TRIGGERED YET?” bullshit but for turbolibs. The bears are probably made in China. Fucking idiots.
The bears are probably made in China.
I didn’t even think of this. That’s so fucking true!
Fucking weird idiot. And those Chinese are painfully naive to still be visiting Anglo countries that hate them and do shit like this all the time.
Those Chinese people should have studied up on English culture and resolved this situation the traditional way: with a knife in an alley.
I prefer a tank of gasoline and a match.