I thought this might be worth a little bit of discussion at the moment.

We’ve had a few communities started by existing subs on the other site, some making it clear that it’s staking a claim to the same name on here in case they ever decide to move, but that they have no plans to at the moment, and will not be doing any moderating.

I have to be honest, this kinda rubs me the wrong way. It feels like hedging your bets, running one community, not running the other one, but still intending to be in charge if it takes off despite that.

If you’d like to start a community here in the same style as an existing one, that’s great, go for it!
Moderate, post great content, grow!

But if you’re aiming to put your name on undeveloped land, in the hope that when you come back someone will have built a farm, I’m not sure it’s very helpful.

Discussion encouraged!

  • juniper
    2 years ago

    Agree. What use is it to make a community and then leave with no intention of moderating it and leaving open to who knows what. Potentially creating a lot of strife for Tom if something goes wrong. You’re only as strong as your weakest link, and all that. It’s 100% the mindset of “I don’t actually care about this community that I’ve chosen to make but I didn’t want anybody else to make it. If you’re lucky I’ll come back one day”. Eye roll.