Gender reveal celebrations are a way for expectant parents to announce whether their baby will be a boy or a girl and have grown in popularity over the last few years.

Kill me now.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝MA
    3512 days ago

    I didn’t even realise this was a thing - I thought balloons and the like looked stupid and wasteful but this is just mean.

      1012 days ago

      Seriously! It’s like some people don’t give a damn about torturing animals if it brings them the slightest bit of pleasure. I wonder what it could be about society that would make these people think this kind of behavior is acceptable. In no other sector of civilized society would people have such a complete disregard for the well-being of other sentient beings for a short pleasant experience. Why can’t they be like the rest of the humans and never do anything that would cause suffering to animals out of pure selfishness?

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝MA
        712 days ago

        It’s like some people don’t give a damn about torturing animals if it brings them the slightest bit of pleasure gets them a few clicks on social media.


  • @fakeman_pretendname
    3212 days ago

    Surely now more than ever, we shouldn’t be giving a flying f**k about anyone’s gender anymore.

    This “tradition” needs to piss off back to America.

    It can take “baby showers” back with it if it wants.

    • @OrlandoDoom
      511 days ago

      In the same way Screwfix direct don’t need to know my marital status to sell me tools (which is why they call me captain when I go) I don’t need to know what kind of genitals a baby has to celebrate the beginning of their life.

    2212 days ago

    I don’t understand how people go to this much effort for “gender reveals”. I’m even more perplexed anyone would give a shit enough to attend. Just stay home and flip a coin, toot a party horn regardless of the outcome, and you can do it again immediately if the surprise was a rush.

    My guess is people feel like they have to go out of common courtesy, but even then, free alcohol was the only thing that scraped it over the line.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    12 days ago

    Just stop with the gender reveal shit. Verbally tell people the sex of your baby if they ask you about it like a normal person.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    412 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    An animal sanctuary is asking people not to dye birds for use in gender reveal celebrations after taking in a bright pink pigeon.Polly, a pigeon whose wings and feet had been dyed pink and yellow for what is believed to have been a gender reveal, was taken to Pudz Animal Sanctuary in South Killingholme this week.

    Sanctuary founder Shena Fairless said birds who are dyed are not only at risk from harmful chemicals in the dye, but are also more vulnerable to predators.

    Despite Polly’s ordeal, Ms Fairless said she is settling in well at the sanctuary, adding: "She’s made some friends, she’s eating well, and she’s trying to fly.

    "The RSPCA also issued a similar warning about using birds in gender reveals earlier this year.

    A spokesperson for the charity said they feared “social media trends could be fuelling” incidents, and said dyeing or painting their feathers could make it so birds are no longer able to fly.

    Gender reveal celebrations are a way for expectant parents to announce whether their baby will be a boy or a girl and have grown in popularity over the last few years.

    The original article contains 261 words, the summary contains 190 words. Saved 27%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    411 days ago

    Your kids genitals aren’t supposed to be a fetish. If you have a healthy kid, celebrate that. Fuck all the way off with all the rest.

  • downpunxx
    412 days ago

    better birds than explosives that lead to wildfires i always say

    -912 days ago

    I think it’s insane to go through the effort of relessing birds

    But I’ve seen this done and the paint is almost always temporary. This is mostly a non problem rage bait designed to piss y’all off.

      1012 days ago

      I don’t think the paint’s the problem, might be more to do with, y’know, terrifying a wee animal for likes

        12 days ago

        That’s not what was stated 🤷‍♂️. This entire article is scooped at this particular issue and speaks with ambiguity about toxic and permanent prints. We terrify animals for all sorts of reasons which I disagree with.

        This is just honing in on gender reveals because progressives hate them and it’ll generate clicks.