Colony Wars is a space combat simulator series developed and published by Psygnosis. The first entry released for PlayStation on November 4, 1997. The game’s soundtrack was composed and produced by Tim Wright (aka CoLD SToRAGE), a Welsh composer who also created music for Shadow of the Beast II, Agony, Lemmings, and Wipeout.
I remember this game! I remember reading through all the deep spaceship and planet descriptions.
Great company, great game, and weirdly - incredible explosions. They felt epic.
I never really got into Colony Wars, but I did absolutely love G-Police, outstanding narrative and thoroughly enjoyable and original game.
Speaking of Cold Storage, if anyone has half hour free, NoClip did a fantastic documentary on the soundtrack to Wipeout 2097 (or Wipeout XL for our friends across the pond) - though that’s something of an overreach - the soundtrack is mentioned but most of the video is an interview with Mr Wright himself and it’s well worth a watch.
I love NoClip! Or at least I loved their FFXIV documentary. I’ll check this one out too.