You see part of the problem with the system then. This is why vegans go as far as possible and practicable, because animal abuse is built into everything and is not optional. We’re trying to minimize it where we can, and use that momentum to eventually get rid of some of the malevolent built in nonsense we all have to deal with. Nobody should be subsidizing cow rapists and murders, and it shouldn’t be a requirement to live here to.
You’re obviously not listening to what I’m saying.
I understand you have strong feelings about your beliefs but not everyone does.
When you attack someone for not sharing your feelings you are as bad as the anti-abortion people or the republicans who want to take away the rights of the LGBTs.
You obviously aren’t listening to what I’m saying and have no intent to. Why don’t you just toddle off and be secure in how righteous and moral you are. You obviously don’t give a shit about anyone else.
You see part of the problem with the system then. This is why vegans go as far as possible and practicable, because animal abuse is built into everything and is not optional. We’re trying to minimize it where we can, and use that momentum to eventually get rid of some of the malevolent built in nonsense we all have to deal with. Nobody should be subsidizing cow rapists and murders, and it shouldn’t be a requirement to live here to.
Your language makes you sound like an anti-abortion nutcase.
Cow rapist!
Baby killer!
It’s all the same to someone that doesn’t feel as strongly about your beliefs as you.
Sorry, do you have another term for the non consensual penetration of someone’s ass and vagina? I’m listening.
Turns out the answer was “no”. Color me surprised.
It’s the exact same language.
‘So what else do you call baby killing?’
It’s a question designed with no answer.
Abortion, a medical procedure to remove a fetus, not the same thing.
What’s another term for the unwanted penetration of someone’s ass and vagina? You didn’t like the term I gave you, stage is yours.
You’re obviously not listening to what I’m saying.
I understand you have strong feelings about your beliefs but not everyone does.
When you attack someone for not sharing your feelings you are as bad as the anti-abortion people or the republicans who want to take away the rights of the LGBTs.
You obviously aren’t listening to what I’m saying and have no intent to. Why don’t you just toddle off and be secure in how righteous and moral you are. You obviously don’t give a shit about anyone else.
How does it feel to have completely proven my point?
it’s a veterinary procedure called artificial insemination.
it’s not someone, it’s livestock.