It’s my wife’s 50th birthday Saturday and we’re having a big party. Hired a band, lots of alcohol. Should be a good time.
Happy birthday to your wife! I earned major husband points for my wife’s 50th! Hope you both have fun!
Going to restart my exercise habit and discipline after a long injury, do some coding on my own projects, eat like a king.
Going to try squeeze in the Dune movies somewhere but hours in the day just never seem enough
Same thing we do every week pinky
Saturday off to the barbers to get the beard and hair cut. Going to surprise them tomorrow, they are good guys and talk about food a lot.
I’ll bring red roasted chicken with Sranang bami and asparagus beans. Chicken is already marinating…
Have a good weekend fine people.
Ive got a tts thing i use on twitch and i think im going to try and puzzle out why its so iffy. Feel like its an obs thing thats causing it, so maybe changing the method I use might resolve it but I’m not 100%
obs uses audio capture from edge (to animate a sprite) that i run the tts through, but its not consistently catching it because the audio capture it uses doesnt just catch edge.exe, which would work, but edge.exe with a particular title, which gets iffy. I might change from using edge to using speakerbot, though that would limit my tts voices a fair amount.
Not sure what any of this is about but I hope it turns out well!
TTS is text to speech, OBS is a type of streaming software. If you’ve seen a live stream of someone playing a game odds are good they use OBS to do it.
The rest is more particular nerd stuff.
Tomorrow take my wife shopping for her birthday present, laundry, and then on Sunday, a quiet lunchtime drink with family.
I’m at the dentist right now (nothing serious). After here I’m going to buy a bottle of Guinness and drink it at home.
I’m on call for work tomorrow so can’t go far. Prob going to play some Super Mario All Stars on my Steam Deck and watch the Creature Features movie. I’m also far too excited that it’ll be sunny enough for me to hang my washing on the line.
Cleaning my attic/office and attending some Pride events w/ our awesome neighbors.
I might try and prune the holly bushes in front of my house, but it’s kind of late in the year to do that.
The things I’m going to do this weekend are not the things I want to do. 😔
Continue playing Final Fantasy XIV to catch up on post-Endwalker content. Pretty excited for the release of Dawntrail next weekend.
Games with friends and sleep a lot hopefully.