• Alien Nathan Edward
    449 months ago

    Whats with the little gimp nook behind the fridge? The spiders in there are probably so big they have names.

    • mihor
      69 months ago

      Friend had cellar spiders in his bathtub in college. Of course they all had appropriate (i.e. stupid) names.

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        179 months ago

        When I was a kid my parents had a shower in the basement. It’s normal for my area, a lot of outdoor manual laborers back in the day so having a shower in the basement meant you could come home after work and not drag the stink and filth of work into the house. I didn’t do outdoor manual labor but I worked in restaurants, which brings with it its own stink and filth, and I also often got home at like 3am, so I used the basement shower om an effort to keep the house clean and not wake everyone else up. This meant that I had to establish something I called the Basement Spider Detente. We had tons of spiders down there, and I try to be respectful of everyone’s right to be alive absent any unwarranted aggression. The deal we reached was as follows: the entire basement and garage belonged to the spiders. They were free to roam, hunt, and generally spide however they saw fit. The shower was off-limits, though, and the penalty for coming within jumping distance of my naked bits was summary execution. I like to think that somewhere near Pittsburgh is a genetic line of cellar spiders that differ from the rest of their species in being extremely hydrophobic. I hope their line succeeds and confounds biologists in the centuries after I go to wherever it is we all must one day go.

      • @Urbanfox@lemmy.world
        19 months ago

        My last house was infested with them, and not through lack of trying to get rid.

        It was an old stone house and cold damp corners were everywhere.

        I woke up with one of the leggy fuckers carrying an egg sac on my face and decided to move out there and then.

        • mihor
          19 months ago

          They bring luck, the spiders. I like them.

      • Flying Squid
        09 months ago

        Wait… does that mean your friend never bathed so the spiders would live?

    • @Blaubarschmann@feddit.de
      149 months ago

      Yeah those pillars are horrible. It generally feels very claustrophobic in there, super low ceiling, I wouldn’t feel comfortable there at all

      • Jim
        99 months ago

        There’s a pillar directly in front of the oven too. I guess the tenant can just forget about cooking anything bigger than a pizza bagel.

        • alaphic
          109 months ago

          As luck would have it, though, when pizza is on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime. So, ya know, at least they won’t starve… They’ll just be incredibly malnourished as a result of their structurally imposed dietary restrictions.

          • Thassodar
            39 months ago

            I’m glad I’m not the only person who remembers this jingle.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate
          49 months ago

          I think that’s just the perspective and cropping of the picture. It looks like the nearest pillar is in the same row of tile as the further pillar, so there are three rows of tiles between the oven and the pillar.

        • @Delphia@lemmy.world
          29 months ago

          Nah those look like 30cm tiles given that fridges and ovens have pretty standard widths and assuming the 2 poles are in line you would have about 75cm or 2 and a half feet from the front of the oven.

          I mean its cramped but its usable.

  • rem26_art
    229 months ago

    This feels like 3D objects that loaded inside of another object in a video game or something

  • @Lag@lemmy.world
    179 months ago

    As a kitchen designer I can’t look away. I know it’s still there if I don’t look.

  • AlexisFR
    149 months ago

    How does this happen? Why would anyone build this kitchen this way?

    • Auk
      9 months ago

      You start with a house old enough to have the kitchen designed around a wood stove (which goes in that alcove). Someone eventually rips it out and tries to modernise the kitchen, leaving a weird space and a kitchen layout which is a bit off. The original walls and room layout are often messed with as well, which doesn’t help.

  • @Satiric_Weasel@beehaw.org
    129 months ago

    It’s for the wall-goblin. The goblin that lives in the walls.

    The goblin’s going to eat something. It’s in everyone’s best interest that something be bread.

  • itsyourmom
    99 months ago

    Gotta say… the comments about it being in the basement have gotta be correct. No windows… weird layout like too many appliances crammed into any available spots… the creepy wall hole for… idek. And the beams that 100% Stubs your toe with every midnight snack mission…

    And those magnets yo…