Many Communication Workers Union (CWU) reps and members will now be thinking about what the union will do under the Starmer-led Labour government. Jeremy Corbyn’s popular manifesto promise had been to bring Royal Mail back into public ownership. This was agreed at Labour Party conference since, but was not in the manifesto.

Meanwhile, Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, whose business already owns 25% of Royal Mail, is bidding to take it over.

The Labour manifesto stated: “Royal Mail remains a key part of the UK’s infrastructure. Labour will ensure that any proposed takeover is robustly scrutinised and that appropriate guarantees are forthcoming that protect the interests of the workforce, customers and the United Kingdom, including the need to maintain a comprehensive universal service obligation. Labour will also explore new business and governance models for Royal Mail so that workers and customers who rely on Royal Mail services can have a stronger voice in the governance and strategic direction of the company.”

  • HumanPenguin
    3 months ago

    Should not have been privatised to start with. Gov had no mandate to do so and no support really. Was just a money grab to fund tax cuts.

    But unlike rail etc. Renationalising Royal Mail would be bloody expensive. And not raise much revenue.

    Unfortunately in the areas that it can be profitable their is huge effective competition.

    Of course the cost is something we need to pay. As much as the Internet etc has rep.aced much of the need. Cheap mail delivery to non profitable rural areas is still something we need as a society. And needs to be funded.

    But political realities mean it will not happen soon. Likely not in this parliment.

    • squidOPM
      3 months ago

      But unlike rail etc. Renationalising Royal Mail would be bloody expensive. And not raise much revenue.

      I advocate for only paying the profiteers the true value of the company without speculation while also taking into account the money made. Thames water as an example has made billions while doing little to modernise and in this regard we won’t pay much.

      Of course the cost is something we need to pay. As much as the Internet etc has rep.aced much of the need. Cheap mail delivery to non profitable rural areas is still something we need as a society. And needs to be funded.

      And if we look at private sector transport, no profitable routes get shut down essentially killing villages.

      • HumanPenguin
        3 months ago

        You can advocate for it.

        But unless you can convince a majority to vote for it. Doing it would be no better morally then what the tories did in privatising it.

        Just because you (and to a lesser extent I ) think it is correct. Dose not mean we have the right to force it on the rest of society against theor will. Have to sell the idea first. And current UK ideals even with a fair voting system. Do not think such things would be fair.

        Agreed with transport. Labour won the election claiming privatisation of rail. So we will see that if they continue as claimed. And they clearly have the mandate.

        I’d honestly have to check thier policy on buses. Etc as I cannot remember where it ended up.

        But once finances are more stable. I think thier is definatly support for improving that. I know local auths are planned to be given more rights. But money may be a more slow change as that very much is the policy labour ran on.

        To clarify. Yes I think personally the gov needs to spend to make money as far as some things are concerned. And I prooving public transport to rural villages etc is a huge part of that. More so for enviromental and disability access.

        But I will not be supporting any politician that changes the direction a party sell to voters.

        While no one expects manifestos and promises to be perfect. The genral ideals of how the nation should be run def are expected to be followed and should be. But more importantly at this point with no real excuse of events being different to the state when votes were cast. No excuse for moving far from what is promised.

        So weather it is logical to you and I or not. Spending money without recovering it from government income. Is not an acceptable act by this government at this time.