So, we all have been playing for a day and are therefore perfectly competent in the matter. What’s everyone’s opinion so far?
So, we all have been playing for a day and are therefore perfectly competent in the matter. What’s everyone’s opinion so far?
90 gold is really… not that much. I mean, to someone f2p who hasn’t done much yes. But to people who have been playing, 90g is running through raid/strike CM’s in maybe 2-3 hrs.
I disagree. I’ve been playing since launch, and 90 gold is still a lot. A lot of players (probably most) don’t do raids or CMs.
This comment is entirely tone deaf, a humble brag draped over a not-so-thinly veiled insult, as though only people playing CMs are REAL players. Most people who ARE playing the game aren’t even doing strikes, let alone CMs.
Lol I mean, sorry I gave the example as it’s what I do. I don’t do metas or etc else in the game to make money, but 90g is not gamebreaking for a days worth of playing was my point. Not you need to get gud or etc. you can go run metas pressing 1 and get 90g a day just fine.
You dont necessarily have to do strikes or CMs, its more being aware of what gold making options there are.
Meta train for example is pretty player friendly as all it entails is following someone and hitting mobs a few times.
To a person not actively trying to get gold, 90 gold is a lot. To people who are actually trying to get it, its not that much.
Same idea with like work. To someone who doesnt work, 20$ might be a lot, to those who do, its not that much.